Sreedharante Onnam Thirumurivu

6.8| 2h1m| en

Sreedharan is a single man in his late-20s who runs a car repair shop. He is on the lookout for a bride, but he is only interested in girls who did graduation since Sreedharan himself was unable to study so far. The movie deals with the introduction of his cousin and his wooing to marry her.


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Century Films


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FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
PimpinAinttEasy Dear Sathyan Anthikad, you did it again. You created another endearing film about simple small town Malayalis, their attitudes and prejudices. You have made so many of them, man. A middle-aged workshop owner with a heart of gold. His life with his friends. And his family which includes a communist brother.His life turns upside down after the arrival of a sultry "murapennu" who is meant for him. Unfortunately for him, the modern murapennu is not impressed by his "rustic charm" :).The film did get too sentimental towards the end. But the hilarious first half more than makes up for it. Srinivasan stole the show as the Chinese cook. Mamootty effortlessly nails the likable Sreedharan. Neena Kurup was a bit annoying. It was a strange casting choice as Mamooty looked much older than her.I noticed that Woody Allen's Bananas was the movie the whole family watched together after they bought the VCR. That scene was hilarious.Best Regards, Pimpin.(8/10)

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