Star Leaf

2015 "Some highs are out of this world."
3.4| 1h17m| en

Hikers find a secret grove of extra-terrestrial marijuana and must fight for their lives when they anger the other-worldly forces protecting the plants.


Producted By

Titan Sky Entertainment


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Also starring Robert Leeshock


Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Fulke Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Aaron Johnson This movie is like a spiritual journey for me. I went to family video to rent Sinister 2 when it came out and they had a copy of Star Leaf right above it. I had never heard of this movie and knew nothing about it but I stared at the cover and knew I had to watch it. I watched it everyday for a week, took it back to the video store and bought it. For me this isn't a stoner movie or a horror movie. It is about overcoming your inner demons and the struggles that come with that. It's about ultimately doing the right thing and forgiving others as well as yourself. These reasons and a few others is why I call this movie a spiritual journey.
Arch Stanton Like, far out man. Duuude, that was, like, totally mind blowing. This movie was like totally gnarly. I'm, like, totally down for some munchies and cheese. Man, like, this movie just totally was like so awesome in its awesomeness. That star leaf weed was like totally awesome, man. I gotta go out and find me some of that and watch this movie again,so I can, like, ya know, really wrap my mind around the exponentially large ideas being thrown at you.OK, so, I tried my best to write like I was a stoner. And now I feel both embarrassed and dirty. The stupidity of this movie has been imprinted on my DNA and will be passed down from generation to generation and any children, grandchildren, etc., I may have will, in fact, be stupider for my mistake of having watched Star Leaf. What to say about it? Script - sophomoric. Acting - terrible. Editing - even worse. Incidental Music - all I can say is WTF???To be quite honest, I fell asleep on my couch and missed the last 10 minutes, I believe. On the other hand, maybe I toked up a bit too much star leaf myself and can't remember how it ended. Anyhow, you're better off getting high or drunk yourself and passing out instead of watching this.
sharoninrussia-46527 While I'm not sure I would place this movie in the horror genre, it is DEFINITELY an enjoyable watch. The characters are believable - a little corny at times - but not OVERwritten. They are self-aware enough that the reality checks you wish would happen in these types of films actually do. The scenery is stunning & the visual effects do the job of creating an other-worldly/alternate reality. The story works on multiple levels.The casual watch is engaging, and the messages of the benefits of medical marijuana and the effects of PTSD on returning soldiers resonate on a deeper level. "It's not how high you go that matters,it's where you go" - and this film will, without a doubt, take you on a wild trip!The question is - where do I sign up for the Star Leaf tour? :)
doublehumpproductions AMBITIOUS isn't a word usually associated with marijuana but it is the best way to describe Star Leaf. The premise is typical of concepts hatched during smoking sessions and usually followed with excited remarks like "Dude we should totally make that movie!" But that inertia always dissolves faster than a smoke ring. Fortunately that was not the case with Cranor. Not only did he complete the movie but he did so with surprisingly high production value. The film is beautifully shot, smoothly edited, and the special effects are more satisfying than a toasted marshmallow. The story is also AMBITIOUS in it's embrace of sensitive subjects like terrorism, the war in Afghanistan, and the devastating impact of PTSD on returning soldiers. Not your typical stoner high jinx. I don't know if the Star Leaf strain contains medicinal properties but if it can inspire this level of motivation it is definitely worth a toke.