Star Odyssey

1979 "The Earth's Ultimate Disaster"
2.8| 1h43m| en

Earth is attacked by an intergalactic villain and his army of robotic androids.


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Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
talisencrw This has to be one of the worst films I've experienced so far from my trusty Mill Creek 50-film 'Nightmare Worlds' pack (on twelve double-sided DVDs, no less), and it did a further injustice at being way too long. Usually these turn out to be just over an hour, so if it's an unpleasant bore, all you have to do is blink and it's over, but this was almost two hours long. There were many ways in which the filmmakers tried to rip off and cash in on much better films--you can tell that their C3PO-type robot, that's supposed to be the perfect bartender, was designed using a garbage can; and the English title distinctly culls from both 'Star Wars' and '2001: A Space Odyssey', both legendary masterworks of the genre. Yet there WERE some interesting ideas of merit, which much better scriptwriters and directors could have really done fine things with (intergalactic auctions of planets being but one of them), so I couldn't discount the film altogether. I'm simply glad it's over and done with, and I will never bother watching it again.In conclusion, it's only worth a look if you REALLY like bad films or sci-fi and don't mind that it's very poorly made--otherwise, give it a wide berth and simply move on.
fantasmic1971 Have plenty of crackers ready for all this cheese. This movie is for the person who loves those late-night public access horror hosted shows. In fact, it's a safe bet that's the only way you'll ever see this movie. It's that bad. But that's what makes it so great! Hokey dialog, corny special effects and cardboard sets, along with some of the dingiest background music (and theme song) you're likely to ever hear. Add that to the cartoon-sounding sound effects and you've got a worse-than-Starcrash movie that'll satisfy any B-movie fan! UPDATE: This movie, believe it or not, has been released on DVD. The copy is as bad as the movie, but if you can find it in the dollar bin, there you go!
Hitchcoc This is an effort at an outrageous space epic, where nothing is funny and the characters are about as bland and inconsequential as one can get. Once again the earth is threatened (actually it has been purchased). The population is going to be enslaved once this guy, who has a face like a hand grenade does what he does to them. The silly people of earth have to depend on some guy whom they treat badly, but who has great powers to repel the force. There are some idiotic droids, especially a male and female (for whatever reason), who provide what I guess is comic relief. The whole thing is a joke. We never really get what the powers are. We never really understand the strategies. There are, however, a group of androids who dress like Carol Channing. Now that could have been funny.
Dan-248 Out of boredom, my friends and I decided to have ourselves a "worst movie marathon". Among the titles we rented were "la guerre de l'espace en l'an 3000", "La soupe au chou", " Como rubare la corena de Ingleterra" and "Space Oddysey (english title of this movie)". Although all the movies were disgusting and hard to watch, this one had to be the worst...Here are a few things that stood out...A male and a female robot ( she has metal eyelashes) in love!A woman scientist working in a tight leather "swim suit"A gymnast fighter ( we dubbed him "mr exercise" ) who jumps around during the movieA hero who walks around like he is constipatedAn army of evil "droids" with blond wigs and silver suitsThe characters are not developed, ( some seem to come out of thin air) and the villain is laughable.The thing that got me the most, though, is the fact that this movie has no end, literally; Music covers the dialog in the last scene, were everything unfolds.Really, this is something you should try to find at your local videostore.-1,5 * :)