Star Trek: Horizon

2016 "Star Trek fan Film, 22nd Century, fan Film, psychotronic film"
5.8| 1h42m| en

In a time prior to the United Federation of Planets, a young coalition of worlds led by Earth battle the Romulan Star Empire for their very survival.


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Also starring Marc Bowers


Bereamic Awesome Movie
Solidrariol Am I Missing Something?
Hulkeasexo it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.
Leoni Haney Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
oscar-35 *Spoiler/plot- Star Trek: Horizon 2016. Galactic alien race works with StarFleet to solve a massive problem of the legendary Iconian benevolent race competes with a militaristic alien race for control of the known universe. *Special Stars- Fandom amateur & unknown performers, Paul Lang, Marc Bowers, Ryan Webber, Callie Bussell, Ashley Croft. *Theme- Scientific exploration of the galaxy is possible.*Trivia/location/goofs- internet fan donation project. fan video, online. *Emotion- While visually this project looks professional in it's massive and boring planetary and space flight scenes; the script dialog writing of huge amounts of necessary ex positional plot scenes make this show very slow stone-age, and plodding. What is worse is the project's writers have taken mind-numbing Star Trek 'technobabble' into dizzying lengths for the audience to follow. TOO long CGI shots to provide plot understanding and progress into this confusing plot video drama. Overuse of CGI generated 'lense-flare' and 'soft focus' is annoying to the viewer. The viewer is turned off to watching much more from this fan group. That much plot exposition has made this project hard for audience to get involved, understand and therefore boring for the viewer. Use of trendy 'flavor of the minute' gimmicks like artificial software lens flare makes this video unwatchable.*Based On- Star Trek 'Enteprise' era canon.
Green_Wolf This a non-profit movie made through a Kickstarter campaign, and does specifically NOT include any actors from the commercial Star Trek movies or series.Done with a budget of only $22.600 (minus the Kickstarter share) this movie makes a good job at closing out the story threads left hanging after the cancellation of the TV-series Enterprise in 2005. The story and writing is quite good and the acting ranges from sufficient to good. The special effects, sound and music is of commercial quality. If you cannot tolerate the use of "lense flares" and "soft-focus haze" you might be a bit irritated due to its frequent use, though.In contrast to some other fan films they took the time to edit the whole movie together properly (looking at you "Renegades"). I could only find one or two occurrences where they could have fit the pieces better together, and this wasn't due to "missing scenes" - but rather they unnecessarily repeated some information.I give the movie 8/10.
jim-j-moore It's hard to decide what rating to assign to this Kickstarter-funded Star Trek fan film. The fact that it's been done on an absolute shoe-string budget by commercial Hollywood standards plus that the crew and cast are amateurs means that one is inclined to be generous with the critique.However, a movie deserves an honest review no matter who made it and I wouldn't want to be generous to the point of patronising.Given the humble resources from which it was created, this is really quite a good film. Okay yes, the acting is a little awkward and the dialogue a bit stilted. But lest we forget, some of the original Star Trek cast were a bit hammy (I'm looking at you, Shatner). It also has a tiny cast, so you don't really get the sense of Starfleet...more a sort of Starsquad. Overall, though, it's a huge leap forward from earlier fan film efforts.Unsurprisingly, the film relies heavily on CGI just like its commercial cousins. What is surprising is that it's mostly quite well done, especially the spacecraft. Mostly.By far, by a veritable country mile, the worst thing about this movie is that it's absolutely saturated with lens flares and an almost constant soft-focus haze - perhaps to help disguise the imperfections in the background CGI or scenery? From what I could tell in the few scenes where the blur and lens flares weren't dialled up to eleven, it still looked okay so I really think it was a mistake to go so overboard with the visual distortions.This is especially unfortunate because this movie almost...almost...had me suspending belief and becoming immersed but the god-awful continued glare and flare visual overlays just kept breaking the mood.Final verdict? A flawed but nonetheless very impressive fan film. I doff my hat to Tommy Kraft, his cast and crew.
KathyL59 I am so amazed at all the work that goes into making a fan film. This is one of the best I've seen. This film was made to tie up some loose ends caused by the cancellation of Enterprise. It was very well done and made to look very professional. The special effects and story line complemented each other and it seemed like most of the characters played off each other very nicely. Some people seem to go above and beyond to critique the acting, story, cgi, etc... for those of you who do, why bother watching at all? Me, I am happy to no end that people give their time, talent and money to put together a quality film that could have actually been made into an episode.

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