Star Wars: Revelations

2005 "The Rebellion Begins"
5| 0h47m| en

The last Jedi fight to survive when they are hunted by the Empire. Taking place between Episodes III and Episode IV.


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Panic Struck Studios


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Also starring Shane Felux


Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
awpkiller2 Wow, Cant say how much I'm disappointed with the shooting of this movie. I don't understand why they didn't at least shoot this video in 24fps to make it look more movie-like. Shooting this video with 33fps or what ever they used, has made it look like a cheap homemade video. The actors are terrible and their dialogs are even worse. I don't understand, did these guys get permission from Lucas arts to make this video? The CG in this video,,, well can't complain much, in contrast to the rest of the production, it's a master piece. I have seen more professional productions with less CG quality.It's a shame to leave such a production in the handful of UBER amateurs. But then i guess if your connected you can do anything in Hollywood. The fans curiosity will make them watch it in the end. But don't expect anything and you will not be disappointed.I give it five stars for the CG work. Good work guys.
Andrew I'm trying real hard to judge this movie based on the fact that's it's fan-film and had virtually no budget, but it's tough.Impressive special effects, the story is OK i guess, and plenty of cool costumes. But trying to watch this movie amidst the horrible acting and dialogue is definitely a test of patience. If I were making a film like this, I wouldn't be in it - because I know i suck at acting. I would find some friend or family member who at least semi-decent and cast them. I'm sure the fame and fortune would be enough to make up for the non-existent salary ;) But seriously, I appreciate the film for what it is - but I can't give it more than 5/10 stars.....
Sam Sounded interesting, plausible idea, but sadly lacked any merit of an actual Star Wars 'fill in'. You can clearly see that a bunch of star wars conventionists have joined forces to create this farcical 50 minute long drivel. The only thing it has going for it is the CGI, which is on par with the sort of CGI you would expect to see in a PC game dialogue, between levels. The acting is the worst I've seen on the small screen, throw in a few wooden chairs and the film wouldn't have suffered in the least. It was as if the main characters were reading off the Biro marks on the back of their hands with emoticons telling them what sort of expression to pull "Thats. the. bounty. on. my. head. trippled" *Grimmace* Its like a porn style acting but without the porn.. although Cade looks like he should be in one.You cannot warm to any characters in the film, the Emperor looks like he's piled on the pounds after taking over the galaxy, and glued some green weetabix to his eyebrows in his megalomaniac rage. Taryn Anwar's characters about as believable as Jar Jar Bink's becoming an intellectual and winning some sort of Nobel prize in literature "mesa do doo doo on your head!" Declan looks like he should run a video store on Alderan, knowing off heart all the movies in store of by heart, and have the universes largest collection of Gungan comic books. Cade apart from looking like a failed porn-star could out-scowl the most miffed of people. And finally, Zhanna's got some scary chin issues. Even though its free, its still a waste of 50 minutes of your life, So save your bandwidth and avoid this fanfic. If curiosity is still getting the better of you, watch the first 5 minutes and you'll know what I'm talking about.
rick7475 Well, first off I would just like to say that it was a very good effort. I hope they continue and improve. Things look very promising.First, the good.I loved the special effects. Not quite Lucas, but very few professionals ever are! Light saber duels looked convincing enough, though not as fast as in the professional movies.Declan's ship. Nice design. It was a cool looking space vessel, even Lucas should take notes on this one.The city, party scenes, storm troopers, all well done. Some quick clips obviously borrowed from the movies, with the tie fighters and pilots, but the whole layout had the look and feel of a professional movie. The sets, backdrops, and locations all looked professional.The plot, I thought, was also well written. The names nicely thought out. The sophistication was there and the ideas interesting.Very well done.Now the bad.The first thing I noticed was the actors. Now, I am no actor, and I am no Harrison Ford or Ewan Mcgreggor, but the actors and actresses just did not look convincing or anywhere close to professional. Now, don't get me wrong, I know this is an amateur production, but if they spent all that effort with the set designs, CGI, artwork, and realistic light saber duels and ship to ship combat, they should have also perhaps thought about better actors.OK, I know I'll get flamed for this, but the actors were a little pudgy and not as attractive. The first scene cuts to Taryn in her ship. I am sorry, and I apologize to the actress, but she is just not visually stimulating. In fact, she looks so amateur in appearance that I shut off the clip and came back to it later after deciding to give it another chance. The make-up looked amateur, and she was just not .... charismatic. Yeah, I know, they are amateurs. But surely in the Stars Wars fan base there are better looking people and better actors who would jump at the chance for recognition. Of course, if it were just a garage project for fun, I could understand casting friends and neighbors, and I could accept that ... but, then there are those awesome special effects, CGI, space battles, space ships, so to even it out, they really needed attractive and charismatic actors. Maybe I am asking too much, but I thought that was what it lacked. There were extras who certainly looked more attractive.Also, the main actors all looked a little flabby or less muscular than I believe a Jedi would look. I envision Jedi knights, or warriors, to be in a little more shape. Declan's beer gut was bulging, but then again perhaps this was realistic for a space smuggler type, though Harrison Ford was certainly the opposite.The acting, at times was fair, and could pass as a low budget movie, but I have seen better acting in college plays and acting school productions.I don't want to be two harsh, but what I see is a great effort with the look and feel, but a let down with the main characters due to their visibly amateurish abilities.I compare this to Troops and IMPS where I thought the acting was definitely a step up, but then again they all wore armor and helmets! But, with better trained actors, this could turn into something! Looking forward to more from these people.