You won't be disappointed!
This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Don't Believe the Hype
This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
better space battles then any star trek including the 2017 version!!
hard to believe it was made , better then most big studio.
the type of humor in this not for everyone.
FREE ON YOU TUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was really eager to see this film, mainly because I'm very interested in 'Iron Sky', the new project from the people that made this film, but also because of my soft spot for 'Star Trek'. Despite this, I was rather disappointed.What's wrong with this film is the pacing. It's too slow. A film like this, even though it is definitely a parody, should be high-paced in general, with of course some exceptions. Perhaps they were trying to spoof 'Star Trek: The Motion Picture' a little too hard, but it didn't work for me. So not-so-good editing (it's not bad, mind you) kind of killed my enthusiasm here, and I do hope the editor(s) will pay more attention to this when they start cutting 'Iron Sky'. I know I might sound like a spoiled kid when I say all this, but I'm used to action films having the right tempo, and this one didn't. Blame it on Hollywood, they've ruined me.Another thing that disappointed me was the screenplay. Although there were lots of - mostly subtle - jokes for SF-fan boys, hardly any of them made me smile. They were well-crafted, but not funny enough. Somewhat tragic, but true.I would like to conclude by stating that the effects were incredibly good, considering this is a film made by enthusiast whom I assume had only the smallest fraction of a typical Hollywood blockbuster budget at their disposal. The CG wasn't always perfect (look closely at the early bridge scenes, it's blue screen), but often better than what we get to see in Hollywood movies. So hats off to the CG guys.So a well-meant, nice attempt, and I do hope they keep making movies, but this one just doesn't deliver.
Pascal Zinken (LazySod)
In the late 60s there was a television series going with the name Star Trek. In it a captain named James T. Kirk traveled through the Universe with a star ship, searching for new life and adventures. Many series followed, many rip-offs were made. And when something becomes popular, there's always someone willing to go for a parody. Star Wreck is just that. Captain James B. Pirk, Commander Dwarf, the Vulgar. You can't lay it on any thicker than that.I love the original Star Trek series and I love a good parody. This is actually the 6th film, 7 if you include a 4 minute short that was made even earlier, and it is a complete film in all senses - special effects, a storyline, characters living out their roles and all. It's funny: there's a good barrel of laughs in the connections to the series it prays on as well as the one line jokes that come around every now and then.Either way... In this film Captain Pirk and his crew finds themselves trapped in the past, long before the invention of the parts they need to repair their ship and get back to their own time-line. Holding on to the prime directive and therefore not changing the time-line is no longer an option. So they sell future technology and start it all a bit sooner than normal. But that isn't enough. The bold Pirk, clearly based on the original Kirk, throws the handbook completely aside and wants to rise to power.Let the Chaos begin! Today Manhattan, tomorrow the World, next week: The Universe. It isn't the tag line for this film but it might as well have been. Good stuff.8 out of 10 science fiction heroes rejoiced
Hey, I'm giving this a ten. I know some will disagree with me, but consider these points: Very few mainstream movies are made for less than $1,000,000.00 US.Most mainstream movies are made by committee - and tend to be as bland as pablum.This movie cost less than $20,000.00 US to make and doesn't look like a committee was involved (it's definitely not bland). The movie has it's faults - the fight scenes were rough, some of the plotting was touchy, and the acting wasn't perfect.So what - it's great fun, and it's also the first time that I sat through an entire movie in another language - I've never had the patience to put up with sub-titles before.When you compare it to most of the Studio Movies that have come out in the last 10-20 years, it beats them hands down. So if you haven't seen it, do so.