
7| 1h43m| NR| en

An unlikely friendship forms between 21 year-old Jane and the elderly Sadie after Jane discovers a hidden stash of money inside an object at Sadie's yard sale.


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Also starring Besedka Johnson


Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Bereamic Awesome Movie
SeeQuant Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Al Rodbell My Wife and I watched the at home last night, and wanted to extend the experience with IMDb audience, so I dug into the back story, -- those who made the film in all capacities and other comments such as this. I loved these people in the film, and wanted to extend their "relationship" for as long as possible. The film, rather than being a scaffolding for dramatic tension, was a minimalist plausible story to allow the two main characters, one nearing the end of her life and the other at the beginning, to connect. The occasion for the meeting while unusual, advanced the plot without overpowering the story. I have just viewed this short video interview of the two leads, Basedka Johnson, who played the elderly Sadie, and Dee Hemingway who portrayed Jane. If you loved the film, watch it. If the profession of casting is discovering individuals who encompass the genuine emotions of the fictional characters of a drama, then this was an inspired example of the art. No looking through face shots or previous performances for casting Sadie, as an executive director recognized her character in the women next to her at a local fitness center, and uttered the mythic Hollywood words, "You could be great for the lead part in a film we are making." This is further discussed in the video I reference. Not exactly the best time of life to get such an opportunity, but Basedka jumped at it, with the due caution of her age. I'm not sure that this magnificent film actually represents the finest example of the actors craft, which at its best can only be a close simulation of reality. What I felt watching the film, and now have confirmed by the single video of the two, and there will be no more since Basheda died soon after at 87, are two people of independent minds who have genuine affection for each other. Those who wrote, directed, edited and contributed to creating this film had the sense and restraint to provide a serviceable vehicle for this to be played out without any undue interference. They have allowed millions of people to be with two genuine people and their characters for a brief time, who in both realms come from very different backgrounds, yet who share a common humanity. Even the usually seedy world of pornography became just what they did for a living, rather than defining them any more than any other occupation. For someone much closer to Basheda's age than to Dee's, it is inspiring that she toughed out those last years, and was able to take the surprise of instant fame before it was all over. There are levels of this film that I still haven't been able to fully internalize, much less describe, which is a sign of a work of art that affects the viewer in ways that defy explanation.
atlasmb Our story starts with a young woman, Jane (Dree Hemingway), going to yard sales in search of items to brighten her drab bedroom. She meets an older woman named Sadie (Besedka Johnson)who sells her a thermos. Jane discovers that it contains about $10,000. This is the jumping off point for the story of Starlet.The entire film is a story of revelation. We follow the natural progress of the women's lives and the development of their relationship. As they learn about each other, the viewer learns about the entirety of their lives. Jane is a cheerful woman who embraces life with a smile. Sadie is rather gruff and distrusting. The contrast in their personalities is rather a reverse of the Harold & Maude story (which the director cites as an influence).Some of the revelations are mundane, some are surprising. Through it all, the unlikely pair forges what might be a friendship. The film is about the nature of friendship. What does it mean? Does it entail responsibilities as well as benefits? What are the commonalities necessary for friendship?The director, Sean Baker, seeks cinema verite. The result feels like a slice from the lives of two distinctly different women. One is at the beginning of her adult life, the other is at the end. But neither has a real family, so there may be common ground after all.Meslissa Maeve is a standout as Jane's roommate, Melissa. And a special mention should go to Boonee who plays Jane's dog, Starlet (actually the pet of the director) and steals some scenes.The last revelation comes in the final scene. It is a scene much discussed on the message boards. Personally, I loved the scene. It is beautiful and revelatory at the same time.
Larry Silverstein This darkly funny and warm-hearted indie struck me the right way, although if you're easily offended it may not be for you. It can be quite sexually explicit at times with very raw language throughout.Set in Los Angeles, Dree Hemingway, whose screen presence and mannerisms remind me so much of her mother Mariel, stars as Jane, a young woman who decides to give her room a make-over. She starts to buy items at various yard sales, one of which is a large thermos that she purchases from an elderly woman named Sadie. Sadie is magnificently portrayed by Besedka Johnson, who has a remarkable personal story as well that I read on Wikipedia. This was her first movie, as she was discovered working out at a gym at the age of 85. Sadly, she passed away earlier this year.In the thermos Jane purchased she discovers after bringing it home that it contains thousands of dollars in rolled up hundreds. She's undecided as to how to handle this, and at one point brings it back to Sadie but is rebuffed before she can say much by the irritable woman. Jane finally decides to keep the money, but also decides in very clever ways to insert herself into Sadie's life, to help her with errands or in any way she can. This remarkable possible bonding between the two is the real heart of the movie, and I thought extremely well scripted and presented by the director Sean Baker, who also co-wrote the script with Chris Bergoch.We don't find out till about half way through the film that Jane is a porno actress, as is her emotionally volatile housemate Melissa, ably played by Stella Maeve. They're both sharing the house with Melissa's boyfriend Mikey (James Ransone), who seems like a nice guy but has no guilt about selling drugs, pimping, or shooting porno movies to raise cash.When Jane goes to work on the set is where the scenes can be quite sexually explicit, and they don't leave much to the imagination. There's also, as mentioned plenty of nudity and raw language as well.The surprise ending I thought was very poignant and touching, in my opinion. Of course, let me not forget Starlet, the incredibly cute Chihuahua of Jane's. He's a rescue dog and won my heart early on and he becomes an important part of the film as well.All in all, I was pleasantly surprised how much I liked this indie that I picked up at my local library.
Culver Bronsan STARLET is a bold and original independent film. It's not afraid to go places most indies would shy away from, mostly due to not landing a distribution deal etc. That is just one of the many reasons why STARLET has true independent spirit.I saw STARLET at SXSW earlier this year and it was the most exciting narrative to come out of the fest. Sean Baker is a fearless filmmaker that has already established himself with a diverse body of work. He's one I'll be watching for a longtime to come.And of course this short review/praise would be incomplete without mentioning the breakthrough performance by Dree Hemingway. You could tell she had complete faith in Baker and it showed in her performance. It's a risky role that she seemed to handle gracefully. STARLET is a film that challenges it's viewers. It challenges our prejudices and preconceived notions, but it does so with a heart.Honorable mention: The brilliant, and almost effortless, performance by the dog, "Starlet".