
2017 "Their war. Our time."
3| 1h24m| en

After a night out of partying and left behind by her friends, Ava wakes up and sneaks back home only to find that she's already safe in bed. But that's not Ava - it's someone who looks just like her. A time-traveling fugitive has stolen Ava's body, her identity, and her life. What's more -- she's not alone. There are others, hiding in the past, secretly living among us, plotting to alter the future. Without her body, Ava is a virtual ghost, silent and invisible to the world. And, so far as she knows, she's the only one who can stop them and put the timeline back on course.


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BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
Holstra Boring, long, and too preachy.
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
feudalserfer Where to begin? If Netflix keep filling out their schedule with this low quality dross, they will soon find themselves losing subscribers, and moving into a new category: "Didn't do well at the box office", "Straight to video / stream", "Student movie", and "Netflix". As with Paradox, my short review contains no spoilers; principally because there's nothing to spoil. Weak plot, even weaker dialogue, feeble effects (try not to include working street lights, traffic and standing buildings if you're doing a dystopic, noirish intro) and acting which looks like an "fail" audition tape made by acting school principals as a laugh at Christmas. Really, don't bother. No, really. And will the people who keep scoring the soundtracks please do something other than channeling Vangelis' soundtrack to Bladerunner: one, it's getting old, and two, Vangelis did it infinitely better.
enrabahn I just spent 84 minutes of my life watching this "movie" and would like a refund of my time please. This movie had so much potential but it failed to live up to it. With the cast over-acting their roles and the poor script being used, this movie left a bad taste in my mouth. The best part of the movie happened to be right at the end when the credits started rolling.I would have to say to anyone considering watching this.. don't. Your time is better spent watching paint dry.
cybelemoon I'm the type of person who is easily entertained. I'm not overly judgmental of movies in general. HOWEVER, this one was an exception! I did manage to watch the entire thing, painstakingly as it was. I kept hoping something would get better. The acting in this is really amateur, as my title states, I know high school students who could do better. Over acted lines. Lines spoken that sounded like people were reading during rehearsal before being instructed on how to speak the line with the proper emotions and emphasis. And that isn't even touching the physical aspects of the acting, just bad!The story could have been done better, it really was a huge disappointment. So many things were wrong that I can't begin to explain them all. But the whole concept was ruined by the way things were portrayed and done. My suggestion to anyone who is considering watching this, just don't. You will only be frustrated with every moment and then have to find something different to watch to calm your nerves! Sadly a really bad movie!
kingtermite Acting - Horrible Story - Has potential, but a little too close to both "The Termiantor" and "Travelers". I'd like more originality. Writing - Bad. A possibly good story was made very immature.This movie had potential if they'd taken the idea and found a fresh way to spin it. Then they'd need to write a good story around the idea with decent dialog and not dialog that sounds like it was stolen from "Twighlight". Then find decent actors who could have pulled the story off.I think the biggest problem with the movie was really the acting. The way it was written, many actors had multiple roles/personalities to portray through the movie. This requires some decent acting talent. None of the actor were able to come through on the effort.What can I say? I'm a sucker for a time-travel story.