Perfectly adorable
Humaira Grant
It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin
The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Jeff Melchior
Jodie Foster is radiant in an Oscar-worthy performance as a whimsical free-spirit without rules whose failed marriages and unfulfilled plans to see the world lead to a tragic demise calling Mark Harmon on a sentimental journey home to tend to the ashes of his erstwhile babysitter, friend and onetime lover. Engaging tale told in flashbacks reminding the aimless Harmon, in a role shared with William McNamara and Thacher Goodwin at different points in his life, to return to the game he left prematurely after his error cost his team a game: "You're a ballplayer, that's who you are," the stunning Foster counsels him retroactively. Jonathan Silverman and Harold Ramis are both terrific as the sex-crazed buddy Alan Appleby. Veteran character actor Richard Jenkins is solid as Foster's grieving and numb father. Helen Hunt appears briefly as Harmon's pregnant sister. May be too melancholy for some but offers many rewards, including a beautiful musical score by David Foster and many classic hits from the 60's. Look for ex-Baltimore Orioles hero and former Brewers coach Rich Dauer as Harmon's San Bernardino Spirit Manager and All-Star first baseman Wally Joyner on the mound surrendering Harmon's triple in final sequence. Contains just a few baseball scenes but the scruffy Harmon looks the part of a has-been ballplayer throughout. A real treat.
little bird
This movie for me is like a warm blanket. I have to watch it at least once a year. I stumbled across it when it was on late one night here in Oz & from the first few minutes I was hooked. It is just such a magical story. I LOVE, love, love everything about it, the actors, their characters, the first love, the relationships, the setting, the era, it's just wonderful. Not to mention the freaking AWESOME soundtrack. Billy's house & the summer house on the beach are the kind of homes everyone would love to grow up in, they are perfect places for childhood, adolescent & adult memories to be nurtured. 'Be my friend' watch this movie,it is inspiring. :)
Hi...I watched the movie for the first time many years ago.not many people have seen it...its wonderful.the end when he knows what to do with her ashes and the build and music makes me cry and its just so heartfelt good....Film,acting,music and how it makes you feel...Mark Harmon is fantastic as the burnt out baseball player who because of Jodie foster's characters death gets a second chance in life.A life he has wasted after all the good chances he had when he was younger.Many movies make you feel things but this movie if you watch carefully really does make you realise you can succeed and have a second chance....Someone else in real life might make you think twice about whats going on..anyway to some up..the acting is great and the list of actors super..
"Stealing Home" is a film that will resonate with a section of the movie viewing public because it presents a story which will be easily loved. Directors Steven Kampmann and William Porter, who also wrote the screen play, show they can evoke the era in which the picture takes place. Both of these gentlemen know a thing or two about how to project the right atmosphere through the use of the popular music of the time.Although no date is given, it's clearly the early sixties when Billy and his best friend, Alan, come of age. It's the summer and they are spending it, like always, at the beach where their wealthy families seem to keep a home. There are three periods in which the film is set, once when Billy is about ten, then as a teen ager, and then as a young man in his twenties.Throughout the film, we watch the love between Katie, the friend of the Brown family, as she babysits the young Billy. Then, as a teen ager, Billy's love for Katie is made clear and it's returned by her. Katie is six years older, it's a love that consumes them during one summer after Billy's father is killed in a car accident. The last part of the film shows us Billy returning home as he has been called because Katie has named him to be the disposer of her ashes after she commits suicide. It's a beautiful love story, and it's easy to see why viewers love it. The best thing in the film are William McNamara, as the teen age Billy and Jodie Foster, who is Katie, the eternally beautiful Katie, who for some reason of movie magic, never seems to age. The supporting cast is excellent, John Shea, Blair Brown, Harold Ramis, among them.This is a good summer movie to watch. It's sunniness will warm any viewer looking for a good romantic way to spend some time.