Steel Trap

2007 "Surviving Each Floor Is The Name Of The Game."
4.3| 1h29m| R| en

A who-is-it setting in the claustrophobic corridors of an abandoned and locked-off office building that has several guests invited to a party by their mysterious, unknown host. Only it is they who are the victims of their crimes. Suspense and mistrust are not the only stalker in this cat and mouse game of wits and fear. Who is the stalker? Why is he killing? And what is it exactly that everyone here has in common?


Producted By

Abnormal Pictures


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Ameriatch One of the best films i have seen
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
kluseba This is the second part of my little review series: Movies that are way better than you expect."Steel trap" seems at first sight to be another ordinary psychological thriller or slasher movie in the shadows of the great "The cube", "Mind Hunters" and "Saw". I expected a movie of a quality comparable to "House of 9" or "Nine dead" but I was rather wrong.The movie starts with the introduction to some stereotypical and rather ordinary characters and I was already close to judge the lack of originality of this movie. When the killing game began I was positively surprised for the first time. The acting wasn't that wooden and rather realistic and appropriated.The next surprise followed quickly. The killing methods turned out to be rather original, the atmosphere was sinister and gripping and the whole story attached me more to the characters. The movie got truly entertaining and addicting and I kept guessing who was behind the bloody murders and why. The great thing is that there are many wrong clues and also some right ones and I happened to analyze the behaviour of each candidate and had to change my mind and opinion many times.The third and last great surprise is without a doubt the twist in the end of the movie that I didn't really see coming. Normally, I have some doubts and am able to get on the right lane but this time, I got completely bumped. This ending really rated this movie way up beyond the average slasher flick.To keep it short, this is a rather original and gripping movie of a more and more popular genre and the rating average in here is definitely way too low. The movie is entertaining and an ideal choice for any horror movie night with your mates and you will keep guessing and expecting until the very end.
on_wngd_ange1 If you're looking for a horror movie that is just simple and a bit "mindless", then Steel Trap may just be for you. I'll admit, I was only interested in this movie because I loved the PS3 game Heavy Rain, and when I discovered Laurence Pascal was in this movie, I had to check it out. Its starts off interesting with the use of children nursery rhymes to try to add a scary element to the movie, but then half way in, decides to forget about it. The title of the movie, and the cover, does throw you off. The scene in the cover never happened in the movie, and the movie didn't really had any traps. It tries to draw you in by making you believe it's going to be a unique horror film, but ends up being another slasher movie. I did not have an issue with the acting as much as I did with the script. It seemed like the writers were trying too hard to make the characters sound "American" with the overuse of profanity and the poor choice of dialog. Along with the poor development of the characters' back story, it made the characters seem too unrealistic and unlikable to the point where you most wouldn't didn't favor anyone enough to hope they survive. This did hurt the movie towards the end of the film, when things were being resolved, as all the pieces of the puzzle didn't add up well enough for me. The movie even tries to hint itself at the ending and the killer, but as stated before, the lack of story development hurt the film's chance to give you that "oh my gosh" ending it was trying to go for. It wasn't a horrible ending, I just felt it could have worked itself to it better. As with Saw, the film tires to teach you a lesson at the end, but seems like the idea was thrown at the end to try to give it some explanation and closure.The film lacked a lot of substance, but on the plus side, the film was very simple. As I said, it was very mindless. Not overcomplicated, nothing too confusing thrown at you, honestly, Steel Trap is good if you just want a B or C rated horror movie to throw in the DVD player on a night you don't have anything better to do. Overall, good for a one time watch.
disdressed12 this was a pretty lame horror movie in my opinion.the kills are pretty tame,even weak.i'd say it was a Saw rip off,but it doesn't even come close to that's not nearly as clever.none of the actors seem to be putting fort any effort.the dialogue is pretty lame too,in my mind at least.for most of the running time,this thing is trying to be a serious horror film,but it abruptly changes tone at the end and becomes a black comedy.ironically,the ending is the only part of the movie that works,for me anyway.i expected it to take the usual route most horror/slasher flicks take,but it didn't so kudos to the filmmakers for that at least.still,that does little to save the movie.for me Steel Trap is a 4/10
Paul Andrews Steel Trap starts New Years Eve at a glitzy flash high profile media party held in an abandoned skyscraper, five of the guest's get cryptic text messages on their phones which goad them into taking the elevator to a lower floor where another even more interesting sounding is being held. They discover a table with name cards on them & more cryptic nursery rhyme clues, intrigued the invited decide to play along but soon find themselves fighting for their lives as the clues lead to lethal traps. As the groups number decreases as various people are killed off the survivors try to figure out who is behind the clues & deadly traps & find a safe way out...Tellingly also known as Jigsaw: Tower of Death this German production was co-written & directed by Luis Cámara & shot under the title The Condemned this is a fairly decent if average Saw (2004) rip-off with a bunch of character's running around some enclosed location being killed off by various traps set-up by some mysterious villain. For what it is Steel Trap isn't too bad actually, I mean it's not brilliant but it's watchable. One thing that stands out here is how unlikable the character's are & it's quite satisfying to see them killed off. The reasons behind the killer & their motives are alright, there's nothing profound or deep here & the twists & revelations won't amaze you but they work well enough & I do like the fact that the villain is seen to win & I liked that their main motive was just plain revenge & that killing the other character's off just felt good. The death's could have used a bit more gore & imagination while the traps themselves aren't that clever while the whole set-up is rather complicated & for everything to happen the way it does took some planning. At 88 odd minutes the pace is alright although by the end scene after scene of people running around exactly the same looking corridors does tend to get tiresome although the final twist just about makes the effort worth it.The film starts off quite gory with a severed pigs head & a guy who has his lips sewn shut & then hung upside down & his throat is cut but then the other kills aren't quite as good with blood splatter but little graphic violence, a woman has an axe banged into her head, there's a cool slit throat & a ripped out heart. The film looks pretty good & is competent, there's none of that shaky hand-held crap & no fast quick editing either which always helps.Apparently shot in Cologne in Germany I assume this is meant to be set in the US as all the character's speak English & things like mobile phones, exit signs & messages are all written in English. The acting is alright from a decent looking cast that features adults rather than annoying teens.Steel Trap is a fairly decent Saw rip-off as some mysterious killer uses various traps to kill off some people trapped inside a building, it's not great or anything but I thought it was alright for what it was & is watchable if nothing else.