Charming and brutal
if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
This is one of those movies that looks like it was developed from the Sundance workshops... and what do you know? Hallmarks of the category include female chauvinist perspectives, emasculated or violent male characters (if there are any men to speak of), long stagnant takes shot on digital video, and an aggressive tendency toward unresolved endings. This has most of them.And I don't care, because Tilda Swinton is plenty of reason to watch any movie. Even THE BEACH. Okay, I won't go that far. But she is pretty exciting. To paraphrase the old line, I'd pay to watch her go to the bathroom... and, in this movie, I get to. Several times. Be careful what you wish for, I guess. Not that I ever wanted that... alright, enough on this subject.Plus Amber Tamblyn, who far from sucks here, and Melissa Leo, who never gets enough to do in movies - though, Jesus, girl, you are racking up the films lately. I think Leo's made as many films in the last four years as she made her entire previous career - though, again, she usually doesn't get too many lines.Actually, Hilary Brougher raises this picture somewhat above its disadvantages through nuance, innuendo, and lack of blatancy, though this very ambiguity does ultimately queer the ending, as in, I don't really get what's going on with the shrink character when credits roll. Not that I need everything spelled out, but I need to know what language we're speaking. Perhaps Sudden Cutaway to Overexposed Window means something in Girrrlish.Maybe I need to bone up on my Independent Woman Filmmaker symbolism. Or maybe I need to shut up before I get slapped with a Thoughtless Human with Penis label and written into another script where men fail to make the world entirely comfortable for women.
I watched it Saturday, along with all the special features. It was a tough movie. If you don't like indie film, you might have a hard time with it. If you do, it's an astonishing achievement. All the acting is uniformly excellent. I don't mean to undercut the obviously painstaking work Tilda Swinton did in creating her character......but this is Amber Tamblyn's movie. Period. Anyone who watched Joan Of Arcadia already knew she could act her heart out. But what she does here is nothing short of phenomenal. She gets every nuance of Stephanie --- someone VERY different from her own flaky, artsy hippie-chick personality --- absolutely right. There's not one minute of "acting" in her time on screen. I promise you that if you give yourself to this story you will not come out of it the same.And you will not soon forget it.
While Tilda Swinton does another one of her typically marvelous performances, it is Amber Tamblyn who displays the surprisingly great acting chops in this film. I must admit that although I knew of her for her TV role in "Joan of Arcadia" and for the movie, "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants," let's just say that I don't think a 46 year old guy is typically in her target audience. After this role, however, I have no doubt that if she keeps her head on straight, she's the next great actress of her generation. As other commenter's have noted, her scene in the public bathroom on the ski trip is at times uncomfortable because of how devastatingly powerful it is. Tamblyn's performance deserves a Supporting Actress Oscar nomination at the very least, but because this film has barely been seen (even seemingly by the frequent movie-going audience of IMDb!), I doubt it's even on most people's radar.
It's funny, at the average video store, it's really a hit or miss game - you can't tell anything by the cover art. Picking up random titles is something of a habit, some hit, most miss, and with some you really have to wonder if the people who released the film have actually watched it. Every so often, however, you get a very pleasant surprise, and Stephanie Daley is one of the reasons I love the movies. Hilary Brougher is an extraordinary talent, and experiencing the performances by some of the finest actors working today was inspiring.Spending an evening with this film was a breath of fresh air and a treat - thank you!