Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine

2015 "Bold. Brilliant. Brutal."
6.9| 2h9m| R| en

When Steve Jobs died the world wept. But what accounted for the grief of millions of people who didn’t know him? This evocative film navigates Jobs' path from a small house in the suburbs, to zen temples in Japan, to the CEO's office of the world's richest company, exploring how Jobs’ life and work shaped our relationship with the computer. The Man in the Machine is a provocative and sometimes startling re-evaluation of the legacy of an icon.


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Magnolia Pictures


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Harockerce What a beautiful movie!
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
fredpeterson Has got be my favorite documentary ever. Really dives into Jobs personal life and shows the type of person he was. From abounding his to daughter to taking shortcuts with the law this documentary covers all of it really makes me wish I could have met the man. Apple still isn't my favorite company though I'm not a fan of how closed in their products are and think Steve really screwed up the company by making it a luxury brand
Marian20 Alex Gibney presents another unauthorized documentary about the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs.There are already many that have been made in the past especially after Jobs passed away.But this particular documentary presents an intriguing question to the viewer with regards to why billions of people around the world have felt outpouring pain and sadness considering that he happens to be not a beloved leader of a country nor an iconic entertainer but rather someone who owns a company that have sold computers.It tries to provide an answer to that question by taking an examination of who Steve Jobs is as a person and Apple Computer as a company.It starts by providing the history of Apple Computer during its early days when it started in the garage until it the birth of Macintosh.It presents archival footage and interviews of Jobs.Since Apple does not want to participate in it,the interviews conducted were that of former Apple executives and employees like Steve Wozniak and Daniel Kottke;former girlfriend Chrisann Brennan and her daughter,Lisa;and journalists who conducted interviews with him.Things become interesting as it shifts to a judgment of the late Apple CEO as a person as it presents him someone who possesses an arrogant,narcissistic and horrible character.It also explores his actions as Apple CEO.It presents him as a tyrannical,demanding,humiliating and a hard driving leader who is willing to throw someone under the bus any time.He also was willing to exploit cheap foreign labor in China that had workers committing suicide due to a demanding work schedule.Aside from that,he also did actions to avoid taxes like backtracking and having tax shelters abroad.The negative side of Jobs continues to build on in it which present employees of Apple and the fans of Apple product users will surely dislike about the documentary especially with Gibney pushing for lots of information.At the conclusion,we get to see that it tries to answer the question that indeed Steve Jobs is a person that is full of contradictions.He maybe a horrible person but he is a dynamic business leader who made his employees at Apple feel that they are a group of people that are changing the world and he is a charismatic leader that have made Apple users as people who are using modern breakthrough products that they have learned to love.
garlandsmith This film was a rather bizarre affair. It starts as a love letter to Steve Jobs. A tribute even. Then you realise that you're actually watching the history of Apple and this is not a Steve Jobs biography (which is what I expected). However, then, you realise it's actually a hate letter to the whole of Apple. You spend quite a long time hearing about Foxconn which is the Chinese company that produces most of Apple's products and you're not exactly sure why and how it fits in (it doesn't). Then follows some more personal attacks on Jobs including, people who make indirect accusations and who imply negative facts without actually explaining why they say what it is they are saying on film.The film lacks direction and purpose. It is a waste of time (unjustifiably too long), money and effort (on the part of the audience).
pullmyfinger85 Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine is being accused of not being a very uplifting view of Steve Jobs himself. The interviews and actually footage of Steve Jobs speaks for itself. It's not mean spirited; it's actual events, conversations and scandals that took place. Make no mistake, Steve Jobs was a brilliant man. This well-made documentary is self aware of his genius mind and how he controlled and oversaw every aspect from concept to completion of Apple corp, products and NeXT. It explored how he was David and took down Goliath (IBM) and now in the 21st century, has taken the rein as Goliath and isn't afraid to stomp on the little man.Director Alex Gibney poses the question(s): Why are we all so obsessed with Steve? Why did we all mourn for a man we've never met? What emotional connection ties us all with our products to the man himself? If you're interested in this type of pop culture, definitely check it out. Great perspective on a man and company that have changed/dominated our culture in many, many ways.