Still I Strive

8.1| 1h31m| en

Still I Strive is a story of transcendence through compassion, unity and hope. At one orphanage in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, the performing arts are the path to healing and transformation. Guided by their matriarch Peng Phan, a renowned actress in her own right, the children aspire to achieve one of the highest honors in Cambodian society, to perform in front of Princess Bopha Devi as a symbol of their culture and heritage. Interspersed throughout the documentary are narrative film sequences featuring the children as actors.



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Mjeteconer Just perfect...
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
gm-stein Absolutely incredible documentary, unlike any I've ever seen in a variety of ways (and my wife and I see a doc a week! The cinematography, editing,unique melding of narrative fiction and non-fiction, and MOSTLY.. the amazing cast of characters made for an unforgettable evening. It's not the usual "downer" about the "poor, helpless little poverty stricken orphans". These kids...and this amazing teacher..are positively inspirational! If this film had studio backing, it would absolutely win the Oscar for Best Documentary! My hope is that some power player or cable network sees it and gives it the international platform it deserves. See it before it leaves NYC!
william tancredi We went to quad cinema today on west 13th street in NYC to see Still I Strive.I brought my two kids (11 and 8 years old) and we all thoroughly enjoyed this documentary. I have been traveling to Cambodia for 24 years and working there for 14. Cambodia is a country that most of the world knows little about but a short 30 years ago suffered incredible genocide. But today, right now, the children of that generation are still struggling to survive each day and rebuild their country. I highly recommend you take the short 1.5 hours out of your day to see a real and important story about the children of Cambodia.
Neardey Trinh It is obvious that the guy who wrote the previous review did not watch the film because had he, his opinion would differ. Still I Stive is easily one of the most inspiring films I have ever seen. You truly fall in love with each of the children as you watch their stories unfold. They grab at your heart and make you believe that anything in life is possible. That's how these kids make you feel. Adam Pfleghaar captures the beauty of Cambodia through its landscape, but he also addresses the tragedy that the nation for so long "strives" to overcome. Through the children, their stories, he shows you that anything is possible, that "hope" is real no matter who you are and where you come from. You will see through the children's journey that dreams can come true. Phfeghaar tells the story in both a documentary style and narrative, which alone makes it so incredibly unique. I have to say that the editing for this work was amazing--to pull all the pieces together perfectly. You cannot watch this film without shedding some tears.. not once but a few times. I have seen this film twice and each time. I laugh, I cry. I want to adopt that little boy actually ;) Very well done to that cast and crew.
ellen-riches I had the privilege of seeing this film when it previewed in California in the summer of 2012. I was moved, inspired and profoundly touched by this movie and the content.For me this was truly the triumph of the creative spirit determined to survive against overwhelming odds. The fact that it is a story within a documentary was itself an act of inspiration and ingenuity that I think added to my overall enjoyment of the film.As someone who works in the area of 'transformation' I was impressed by how the medium of theatre was used so skillfully to bring about such a deep and meaningful message to the audience while providing a vehicle that assisted in the healing and transformation of the subjects.Brilliantly done and a must see.

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