I like Black Panther, but I didn't like this movie.
Patience Watson
One of those movie experiences that is so good it makes you realize you've been grading everything else on a curve.
Alistair Olson
After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Blake Rivera
If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
After the surprise success of Asylum's SHARKNADO, the current trend for these B-movie disaster/monster combos seems to be tornadoes mixed with something else. STONADOS has to be one of the silliest of these ideas, as it's a film where tornadoes are mixed with stones due to some ancient prophecy or some such. It's all nonsense anyway, because tons of people are killed when tornadoes lift debris off the ground and chuck it at them, so why bother with this whole stone angle?Needless to say that this SyFy Channel production is pretty much devoid of any kind of originality or sense. It stars B-movie stalwart Sebastian Spence (CRASH SITE: A FAMILY IN DANGER) as a journalist who makes it his job to chase storms; inevitably he teams up with the usual group of officials/scientists/investigators to try to track down the menace before too many people are killed. William B. Davis (BEHEMOTH) also shows up as an old timer with a budgie in one of the film's many random sub-plots.STONADOS is a mish-mash of disaster staples, all of them played out enthusiastically, if without much in the way of skill or discernible talent on the part of those involved. The CGI effects aren't quite bottom of the barrel stuff here, but they're still a far cry from those in THE AVENGERS, for instance. STONADOS is very much par for the course for this sub-genre.
Okay, I have no idea what "Sharknado" is, but I looked it up and this movie technically came out before Sharknado, it was only held back from being released because of a problem going on in Boston (where this movie takes place), so now that that's out of the way and reviewers stop thinking that this movie is a rip-off, here's what I think of Stonados.Stonados isn't some major-motion picture spectacular box office hit, it's a Sy-Fy TV movie from Vancouver. It doesn't have the best script or dialogue. To be honest though, I really liked it. I'm so glad that Stonados didn't bring in the enviro-hippie propaganda garbage by saying that the disaster was caused by global warming and pollution. The story was interesting and the acting wasn't bad, in fact William B. Davis (playing the role of Ben the lighthouse keeper) is my favorite actor and I've seen him in other movies and as the Cigarette Smoking Man in The X-Files, he and every other actor in this movie did an excellent job, given what they had to work with. The soundtrack wasn't bad and the special effects were a little lame but not as bad as in Dark Storm (2006) or Chernobyl Diaries (2012). If there's any two disaster movies you want to avoid, it's those ones, not Stonados.I do have to point out one thing; the intro scene is HILARIOUS! The tour guide lady getting sucked up into the tornado and the hysterical screaming of the old man standing next to her wasn't meant to be funny, but I ended up laughing, so did my little brother. Speaking of my little brother, he's 11, and this movie was totally safe for him to watch, so if you're looking for a horror movie for your kids with no nudity, no gore, etc. this one is a good choice. I think the worst word in it was "damn".
'Stonados' are appearing near Boston, i.e. tornadoes which are throwing stones (or exploding ice cubes). A science teacher and a TV journalist try to warn the population and develop a theory what's causing the storm. Two kids are meanwhile not staying home as daddy told them, but they are going to a stadium that will have to be evacuated before the storm arrives.The advantage of a disaster movie where they don't have to save the whole planet, but just one city, is that it can tell the story in a more personal way. This is basically a movie for the whole family about a guy who saves his two teenage kids. Nothing extraordinary, but watchable. The funniest moment is when the woman accuses the weather guy of a poor forecast and is immediately killed by a falling stone - clearly a meteorologist's vengeful fantasy. Miranda Frigon from 'Primeval: New World' was the only actor I recognized, she plays the police officer helping the scientist and falling in love with the journalist. Besides, I noticed one cliché that recently appeared a lot in disaster movies: if a camera operator tries to get close to the Dangerous Thing for a good shot, he is always killed. What is it with camera operators that script writers don't like? And where is the trade union when you need them?
In Case you missed it on Syfy channel there's another kind of Storm front coming to DVD. No it's not the sequel to Sharknado It's just a stone's throw away from that. It's "STONADOS" . As the title suggests this time it's weird frozen boulders that are being hurled through the air to wreak havoc. Did I mention that these stone's were created in the atmosphere by volcanic dust and that when they land the sudden atmospheric pressure drop causes them to explode.Maybe it's because I'm from New York but much like the Denver Broncos I have to say it was a treat to see a New England city getting pummeled and destroyed for once. That's right when a sudden storm forms in the waters off the coast of South Boston, it not only sucks up a tour guide but Plymouth Rock itself! From then on this movie lands with some dark humor and some smashingly funny (I know, I went there but it fits) kills.As Maddy Randall (Miranda Frigon) is investigating the landing of Plymouth rock she calls her brother, science teacher and former storm chaser Joe Randall (Paul Johansson) There they meet up with Joe's old storm chasing partner. Now a cocky, self aggrandizing weatherman Lee Carlton ( Sebastian Spence) Who tells Joe of the weather phenomenon which he later copyrights as "Stonados". Of course mayhem ensues as not even Joe Randall's daughter and son believe flying stones are going to hit them and explode again. But Joe and Lee along with their old friend and lighthouse keeper Ben (plaed by William B. Davis, remember "Cancer Man" from the X Files?) are tracking the freak storms as they move into Boston Harbor and up the river Charles, of course Joe's son and daughter decide to go to a college football game. So it's up to the reunited storm chasers Joe, Lee and Joe's sister Officer Maddy to not only save his kids and then stop the deadly storms with an untested theory before the stonados grow in force and turn inland.Is this a great movie? Will it "Rock" (sorry did it again) the awards shows? Probably not, I mean flying, man eating sharks are a tough act to follow, BUT if like me you have a soft spot for films like "Sharktopus" and "Sharknado" you'll enjoy this disaster flick. It made me grateful to be hunkered down inside with just snow and polar vortex's outside. Therefore I give it three flying boulders out of five. This storm-front is predicted to hit the DVD shelves on January 28th so duck, cover and enjoy!