Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction
Bessie Smyth
Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Staci Frederick
Blistering performances.
An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
A convicted arsonist looks to manipulate a parole officer into a plan to secure his parole by placing his beautiful wife in the lawman's path. Robert De Niro, Edward Norton and Milla Jovovich are all of them very good actors each of their own in their respective genres whatever that might be but 'Stone' doesn't give them much to do. First Norton's role was god awful he was just the typical inmate who swears for like the entire film, Jovovich's perfomance was horrible too she was used more like a sex object and nothing more than that and De Niro? He tried i'll give him that but the script was so poorly concived that takes him down as well. Overall one of the worst films of all those 3 actors. (0/10)
I went to see Stone earlier today for an advance screening as Ed Norton is promoting the film at my school next week. Honestly I had absolutely no idea what this film was about going in. The marketing just flew over my head I suppose. I just knew who was acting in it.Stone centers around Jack Marby(played by Bobby D, a welcome sight that he isn't in a Meet the... movie), a parole board officer who does preliminary interviews on convicts who are approaching their hearings. His character has a dark past we're alluded to in an all to short opening flashback, and he is something of a dead individual who is absolutely done dealing with people lying and manipulating him to get the parole board to let them go. We meet him as he nears retirement and wraps up his last inmates. This last inmate is convicted arsonist "Stone" played by Ed Norton who is trying to manipulate Jack into letting him free, even if it means having his gorgeous wife Lucette (Milla Jovovich) pull some strings from the outside.What follows is a great character drama, and the acting in it is phenomenal. It really is. Milla Jovovich stands out the most I think with her character who has a lot to do. I'd personally give her an Oscar nod. Truly though, this is some great acting. De Niro is perfect as the strung out officer, and Norton plays the convict expertly who can express a wide range of emotions and display many motivations.My complaint with the film is that the audience is left wanting more from the story, and not in a good way. We have a short opening flashback of Jack, which shows a disturbed and violent man, that I an all the others who saw it thoroughly enjoyed. But they never came back to that. It presented some interesting back story and hinted a lot, but there is no pay off.That being said, that is my only complaint. I think that the acting here was truly great, and the story might be a bit straightforward, was still thoughtful and pensive and entertaining to watch unfold.I had no expectations, but I thought it was very well done. There was also great editing and sound design, which you'll notice early on. All in all, a good character piece that carries a weak story that leaves you wanting more. There is a lot to enjoy and take in as Lucetta and Stone work on getting him out of prison. Very solid film. Not perfect, but solid.
I don't need movies to wrap up everything in a nice little package, but this one leaves a lot unanswered, and not in a good way. It just seemed like all the characters instead of coming together for the final act, just slowly drifted away from the central theme and then it ended. I swear the last look taht was given before the scene goes black is exactly the look I gave my wife when the credits started to roll.
It was just too painful. Norton did a good job of playing a regular middle-class guy pretending to be a criminal. You could really tell he was just a regular guy because of the goofy hair-do and fakey accent, like what a high-school kid might come up with so as to appear tough.De Niro did a good job of playing a regular mild-mannered accountant-type guy pretending to be someone who worked with criminals. You could really tell he was just another regular guy because he was completely ignorant of how criminals manipulate people, and he kept a picture of his wife on his desk where incarcerated murderers could see it and start interesting discussions with him about his family life.