It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Roman Sampson
One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Kaydan Christian
A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
A renegade general (Robert Miano) plots to bomb Washington using a new top secret jet called the Storm Catcher. The only trouble is only one man (Dolph Lundgren) is capable of flying it. Storm Catcher has it's fair share of good moments for sure as an action movie but it's once again far from other good Lundgren movies. The action was heavy of course but not enough, the rest of the cast didn't do anything insane to say the least and the overall storyline? Wasn't that good or well written for me to get captivated by it in the end. (5.0/10)
Or Blue thunder". Or "Iron Eagle" . Every one of this movies is far more entertaining than this poor B-class movie. Sometimes B-class movies are fun. Unfortunately this isn't one of them.This is a poor action thriller. The story is very thin and predictable. The characters are bland (there is even stereotypical "funny black guy sidekick") and the villains are lame. The whole conspiracy thing here is lame and has been done million times in the past and much better. I don't really know what's going on here – a sign of bad writing. If you're looking for action you won't find it here. There's a cool flipping truck stunt but nothing else. Director Anthony Hickox tries to make this movie look stylish like a John Woo movie , but fails terribly. In several of the slow-mo gun fighting scenes you can actually see the silencers on the guns bend and wobble. The plane scenes are weak and unsatisfying. "Storm catcher" is very lifeless and badly directed movie.The acting is painfully bad. Even Lundgren seems bored here and barely puts any effort.This movie was filmed in 18 days and it shows. It really looks and feels low budget. Avoid it. I give it 1/10.
The Movie was pretty good for a typical Dolph Lundgren B - action movie, but the low budget is plain to see (especially as the director plays the CIA Agent in the movie himself) There are gaping plot holes and far too little action although the aerial sequnences were good. The acting is awful especially from Lundgren's wife. The movie was apparently shot in 18 days, so taking that into consideration it's a mindless fairly enjoyable lundgren veichle if not one of his best.
a MUST for his fans My Rating 7/10
Okay yet another mediocre Dolph movie... I hear ya, but at least it's not Fallen Knight (AKA: The Minion). This time around Lundgren turns in a good, but predictable performance as a run of the mill character of Major Jack Holloway. Who's a test pilot for the military's top secret warplane "The Storm Catcher" hence the movie's title.What happens to the plane? Well of course it's stolen and he's framed for everything. Is there a conspiracy theory lodged somewhere in Storm Catcher? Yep. Do they use his wife and daughter as leverage to get him to do what they want? Yep. That itself isn't so bad they are typical clichés of the genre - it's the general inept story and more stupid characters than I'd like to count. Like two CIA agents named Lock & Load. Storm Catcher is yet another undistinguished action flick with predictability written all over it. It's a cheapie thru and thru (check out the usual assortment of stock footage), but somehow comes out looking half decent. Lundgren is decent here, but that doesn't allow it to rise over the giant heap of mediocre action flicks on the market as it is. You've seen this before, you've probably seen it done better.