What a beautiful movie!
Really Surprised!
I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Benas Mcloughlin
Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
If I could give this movie a minus score, that would be generous. This is an awful movie. Terrible plot, terrible acting, terrible writing and terrible graphics. It tries to be "Twister", but fails, miserably. And what is with Darryl Hannah's face? She has had so much plastic surgery or something, she doesn't even resemble the Darryl we all know and dislike. Maybe that's her goal, I don't know, but watching her was PAINFUL! The whole movie is painful to watch. I think it was also trying to be a "global warming" warning, but they even screwed that up. As they said themselves in the movie, "the ice age eventually melted, and man wasn't even around then". Exactly. Global warming my aunt Fanny. This was just a terrible terrible mess of a movie. I am mad at myself for losing two hours to this horrible movie.
The movie poster of Storm Seekers shows Daryl Hannah as an attractive young professional female. The movie itself though shows Hannah as a very unprofessional and utterly unattractive woman who has a psychological problem so profound that she compulsively puts the lives of her crew in danger. Now that could have been fine if the acting was good and the plot were worth the wile. It isn't. Nearly all the action takes place inside the cabin of a plane rigged as a flying meteorological laboratory. Every thirty or so seconds the director serves us with pale flashbacks to meetings between Hannah and her psychologist that are so incredibly boring because of the unbearable shallowness of the dialogs and the stupidity of the psychology which make it impossible to feel any sympathy. There are more flashbacks, to the time where Hannah was a child. And weird scenes with Hannah watching and holding white lily's that ignite spontaneously. I guess these scenes are there to give the movie a sense of intellectual and spiritual importance. They don't. Hannah has always been bad at acting and bad acting is what she does in this movie. But there were times when you could forget about that and just watch her sovereign beauty. She has lost all of her beauty unfortunately and so there's nothing left to watch. Here's a preview of what you may expect: the plane is falling from the sky while going in the eye of the storm. Hannah gives the pilot a serious advice: "You have to get the plane up, Henry". And this was one of the least stupid lines. This movie is an embarrassment to all intelligent beings. If you watch it, you'll not be just wasting your time, you'll be deeply offended.
The only thing that stinks worse than this movie is roadkill or the contrived and debunked science of global warming that they spout during the movie. The global warming is of course the cause of the hurricanes. The acting is OK i guess, But only OK. The rest of it is pure Bull.... well, I won't say it.I do not like shows that keep jumping from one time to another. this one is terrible in this regard. It almost makes the move unwatchable.I have always been a Daryl Hannah fan but I think she should have saved all of us the agony of seeing her in her faded glory and just stayed retired in her "carbon neutral" home. It figures tho, these Hollywood types always have to jump on the bandwagon if there is a new environmental cause.Don't waste your time with this tripe. I wouldn't feed it to my dog
There were a total of two upside items to this film.The first was that I got a good look at the 2009 Lexus Minivan.The second was that at some point during the dry heaves I got from watching this 1 hour and 24 minutes of visual Ipecac, the popcorn husk that had been stuck to one of my tonsils became dislodged and I was able to remove it. I suppose if you were a Huge fan of both Daryl Hannah and chubby chasing you might get some small pleasure from this horrible misuse of celluloid. I can only assume that this was made in a vain attempt by Mrs. Hannah to keep some semblance of her original beauty (let's face it, no one watched SPLASH to see her act) on screen.