
3.4| 1h30m| PG-13| en

Horror / Suspense - After her mother's death and her father's brutal suicide, 25 year old Sarah Black fears she is losing her grip on reality. She is haunted by nightmares and terrifying visions, and she can't shake the feeling that something evil is about to find her. When people she cares about start to die, Sarah believes she may be next. Detective Scott Aro has been investigating a string of murders for 10 years, but nothing he has seen can prepare him for what lies ahead. As hope seems lost, the two must face the evil that has been unleashed and battle to stay alive as they discover that some things won't stay dead. It waits in the dark.


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Also starring Heidi Harian


Develiker terrible... so disappointed.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Aanna Wilton K This is the first time when I felt that the detective really care about his job and the family he is working with. They make a bound through the events. It was very heart warming. It was the only thing that made me watch the entire movie or else I would turn it off after 30 minutes. Sadly it is everything but not scary. I am alone here home, watching it in the dark, and I am still not scared at all. Okay it has some okay visual effect, but thats all. Although the music is great. I loved the singing at the beginning. Finally not just a useless song to make the movie longer, as I sadly often see in films. Talking about making the movie longer: it has a lot of useless scenes... This movie is worth to watch it once. But do not expect a lot.
thomasevans51 OK to start off the film was absolutely rubbish, the acting was atrocious and the storyline was just plain silly. As for the fake reviewers on here ( dougjillscarbrough) i might add that this guy who gave this film 10 stars is very 'close and also knows his work schedule lol ' with the director hence the big amazing review. People really need to start watching the actual movie instead of praising a guy who makes a diabolical movie. People really need to stop using the rating system on IMDb to create false hope for people expecting a good movie. One tip i will give to the guy who wrote the 10 star review ( you may want to possibly not make it so obvious how close you are with the director and is fabulous work ethics. Please for the love of god get a grip. Bottom line this film should not have even been made its that rubbish take my advice people don't be fooled by these 10 star reviews from people who have only been a member for like the past month who only have the one review. Come on to the silly idiots out there who do this, people are not that dumb
Chris Mackey (guestar57) A Matt Sconce flick. Stars : David Fine & Stephanie FrenchWatched STRICKEN and was cheering at it's pure horror elements,'Is That Wrong ?'Poor girl lost her mom,then her dad,then her boyfriend…Wait a second they all have her in common…OR do they ???The effects are most inspiring,Really impressive ,Especially when you see lots of FRESNO landmarks and Highway 41 referenced.David Fine gives this 'Steve Railsback vibe, Google that actor young'uns .David Fine has set a watermark in the last year,That only one other actor has Bill Oberst Jr,You might wanna see some of his work too,WOW dudes you are 'Creepy Cool !'Matt Sconce does so many genres in his filmmaking journey,Matt this was an 'Out Of The Park' effort,Loved the acting,make-up and just pure evil that was on surface.
jsemperparatus STRICKEN is a modern, thinker's thriller. When we left the theater after viewing, we, like many other viewers, were so excited and happy. Stricken was like a beloved yet terrifying Alfred Hitchcock film, filled with twists and turns, never allowing you to figure out the story until the triumphant climax at the end. This is no slasher film, but a poignant treatise on honor, loyalty and self sacrificial caring for other people, even when faced with unspeakable evil. A woman sitting next to me was hiding her head under her coat during the film and later told me STRICKEN was, "...The scariest film I have ever seen." The story is deep and the characters very full and round. Stars David Fine (Pursuit of Happiness, Sweet November), and Stephanie French, give powerful performances that pull the viewer in, motivating us to really care about them. The Direction of the award winning script by Matt Sconce shows focused attention to detail. Tasteful camera movement and shrewd use of lighting for conveying mood in each scene are trademark Sconce direction, and the film is very artistic. As Sconce was also the writer of the screenplay, one can see STRICKEN as his canvas for that beautiful work of art. The musical score is beyond masterful, and Composer James Merkey is a 'John Williams' before anyone knows he is a genius. Special effects are flawless and help tell the story, rather than distracting the viewer. Stricken is one of those films that rarely comes along: A great, interesting, and exciting lower budget film that holds its end up with the big boys. One young lady had seen four films before STRICKEN the week we watched it and said, "STRICKEN, by far, is the best film I have seen all week" That says it all.

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