Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Tyreece Hulme
One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Walter Sloane
Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
For a TV movie this was absolutely marvelous! I see someone found it was confusing, and I can understand that if you have no more than a fifth grade education. It does drag you around a little bit running here and there changing how you figure the outcome of the movie is going to be. The ending is absolutely fantastic and takes you completely by surprise. Having a higher IQ than most people it is hard for me to truly enjoy most movies as I usually have it figured out at least halfway through what the end is going to be! This one here I had no idea what was going to happen right up to the end of the movie. Just when I thought everything was done, what a finish! Absolutely a movie that would keep you guessing, never a dull moment! I highly recommend this movie, as a matter of fact I'm going to to see if I can find it somewhere on a CD and purchase it so I can watch it anytime I feel like it! I would love to share with the rest of my family.
i think this film was confusing and had a bad plot.Shannen did OK in this but not as well as she normally does.i found it hard to follow the whole story and found it quite boring and didn't enjoy it till bout half way but i didn't enjoy it much i would say not the best of films i have watched with her in :l what was the point of this story and what was the plotI've seen Shannen in better in other films i was very disappointed when i finished watching this cause it wasn't what i expected i would I've this film a bad review of 3 out of 10 Shannen is still the best actress in the world and she can act whoever put that comment that she cant she just isn't good in that 1
Doherty plays a woman who when the movie begins, tries to hide some bloody garments under some snow at the roadside. She's caught and questioned, and we learn what led up to that scene.She's a paparazzi photographer, and on some of her jobs and in her home she's being stalked by a photographer who leaves behind gum. It becomes clear he means to do more than just take photos, and she hires a security consultant, and when things worsen, a hit-man.The movie takes an unexpected but welcome twist. The events also go well past the opening scene once it comers around again. There's another twist that is expected, and it's gratifying that one of the characters saw it coming too.
This movie is fabulous! Not only does Doherty demonstrate her ability to be the most convincing character possible, but her versatility shines through as we look back at 90210.The camera can be seen as a metaphor for many of the subplots during the film, yet it is not overdone as so many movies have done before. The dialogue is cleverly done, subtle enough so that you really should pay attention if you want to absorb the essence of this fine production.As for her past accomplishments, "Blindfold: Acts of Obsession" was probably her premiere work before "Striking Poses." She has developed even further as an actress, outdoing her still-marvelous performance in the aforementioned film, a masterpiece itself.In conclusion, you will laugh, cry, and be left speechless throughout "Striking Poses." Don't be surprised if we see some Acadamy Awards come this way, especially for the top notch performance of one of the finest actresses alive, Shannen Doherty.