
1995 "Tonight murder takes center stage."
4.4| 1h14m| R| en

As Zipper's Clown Palace (a strip bar) closes, Neil wanders in and decides to hold the dancers, bartender, and remaining customers hostage. He torments them with little tasks he wants performed, playing on their weaknesses and relying on his gun for intimidation. Eventually the hostages begin formulating plans to thwart his control. Meanwhile, two policemen are observing the outside of the strip joint, realizing that something's wrong and trying to decide if it's worth ruining their buzz to intervene.


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Konterr Brilliant and touching
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
topsfrombottom The late, great Rick Dean carried nearly the full weight of this film, imho. Other than he and Lance('C-C-C-C-Carey') August, the entire cast needed changing. Kinda-pretty Maria Ford's acting was as stilted and amateurish as ever - and She clearly needed cast against a stripper's pole about as much as Mr. T does. Now, I cherish all Women and especially pretty Ones in high heels and lingerie - perhaps even more than most guys - and I was let down to see Her as the lead. I mean, Ms Charlize Theron would have been WAY more fun to watch in a strip club than Ms Maria ever could be - AND they surely could have afforded Ms Charlize easier, back then - of course, in '95, She was only 20. But, nearly any Pinup from back then would have done this movie much better than our Ms Maria was able to.HOWEVER - I DID enjoy it, I'll NEVER forget it. If you can yawn past Ms Maria's halfhearted performances on both the pole and Her dialogue - as well as tolerate the hokey directing - it's actually a damn cool film.It's also got several chuckle-moments in it, too - i.e. Rick's clumsy entry into the club - that was worth a few rewinds, right there, hahaha!-Just focus on Rick's character (he's topping his game, here) and the strippers (other than Ms Maria, hehe) and you'll be fine.In a nutshell: This is a flawed-but-memorable film; a fun, dark, attention-holding watch.
Uriah43 This film has a few good things going for it and a few bad things as well. First, Maria Ford (as "Christina Loren") was fantastic. Her acting was solid, her dance routines were top-notch and she was very sexy. The other dancers, Nikki Fritz (as "Sandra") and Ann-Marie Holman ("Kitten") weren't quite in the same league but at least they provided some entertainment value. Additionally, Rick Dean (as the psychopath "Neil") performed exceptionally well. At least at first. But eventually his constant diatribes got very annoying and towards the end I hoped he would turn the gun on himself. Anything to get him to shut up. I also didn't care for the character "Carey" (Lance August) or the two cops who just sat in the car taking up valuable time and film footage. They detracted from the film more than anything else. Especially Carey. Even so, this film wasn't too bad. But Maria Ford couldn't carry the entire movie by herself and Rick Dean had too much film time as it was. Perhaps if the writer (Duane Whitaker) had devoted more time and energy to a few other cast members (other than Lance August that is) this would have been much better. But he didn't and the film suffers accordingly. Still, for an extremely low-budget production and all of the aforementioned flaws I suppose it was okay and merits an average rating. But just barely.
Woodyanders Cunning and lethal blind maniac vagrant Neil (a wired, intense, bravura performance by the late, great Rick Dean in one of his patented insane villain parts) terrorizes a handful of folks in a strip club at gunpoint. Neil cruelly uses everyone's individual weaknesses against them. The main target of Neil's twisted obsession is lovely stripper Christina Martin (well played by the stunningly gorgeous Maria Ford). Director Dan Golden, working from a clever and compact script by Duane Whitaker, wrings plenty of gut-wrenching tension from the simple, yet gripping premise and certainly doesn't skimp on the tasty bare distaff skin. Dean and Ford both turn in stand-out work in their juicy lead roles; they receive excellent support from Lance August as stuttering shy guy Carey, George Tovar as corrupt cop Roland, Nikki Fritz as mannish, domineering lesbian Sandra, the adorable Ann-Marie Holman as Sandra's mousy, passive lover Kitten, and R.A. Mihailoff (Leatherface in "Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III") as tough bartender Little. Both Timothy Wynn's funky score and Andrea Rosotto's slick cinematography are up to par. Popping up in nice cameos are John Lazar (Z-Man in "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls") as a bar patron and Linnea Quigley as a waitress. The DVD boasts a few nifty extras: several trailers, a funny outtake reel, and a lively, informative and highly entertaining commentary by Rick Dean and Dan Golden. Good, nasty fun.
Mr. Moviegame This movie has an interesting premise. A supposedly blind man (Rick Dean) enters a strip club. You wonder for what purpose. Clearly he can't see anything behind his shades. Perhaps, he's there for the drinks. Or maybe, he has an acute sense of smell. This is after all a fully nude strip club. Well, to make a long story short, the answer is OBSESSION. You can't blame Rick. Maria Ford, the lead dancer, is a 9/10. She's all-natural, but her best assets are her lovely face and legs. A beautiful woman is a wonder of nature. In a sea of a thousand faces, hers is the one that stands out. Your libido is aroused by her every move, you can't wait to put $100 in her garter. In one of Maria's dance numbers, she wears high-heel sneakers. You know, the kind Little Richard or Mitch Ryder rhapsodize about. Every beautiful stripper has more than one admirer, though. Lance August plays a stuttering customer, who apparently comes to this bar just to see Maria. Naturally the plot develops to the point where Lance and Maria become strange bar-fellows, who must cope with madman Rick, when he draws a gun on the bartender, patrons, and other dancers. This movie has something for all fans of exploitation films to savor. In addition to a gun crazed loonie, a sexy blond, and a shy geek, you also have two lesbian or bi-sexual strippers (one being tiny, and the other buff), the usual horny drunks, two cops who half-work, and a cozy venue for all to interact. Without going XXX, this is about as realistic a depiction of strip clubs as you'll find in any film. Forget about Showgirls (Elizabeth Berkley) and StripTease (Demi Moore). I wouldn't give those ladies a $1 tip.