Stuck on You!

1982 "The Crazy Comedy for Couples!"
4.1| 1h28m| R| en

A couple with marriage problems goes to Family Court, where a judge takes them back in time to view lovers through the ages.


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Troma Entertainment


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TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
bottlegnome255 I looked at the cover, saw who made it, and gave it 5 minutes to convince me this is worth my time. This was worth every second, this movie is genius in it's own right as a comedy. This is by far the wackiest romantic comedy i have ever seen, but it also has its subtle moments right when they are needed. Considering I usually cannot stand romantic comedies, this says a lot. By the end I felt like I really knew the characters and what they were going through, especially toward the end. Something interesting would occur every other minute, there were no boring parts throughout the whole film and that is hard to pull off, especially today. Given that the budget was only 150,000, Kaufman and co did extremely well.
Woodyanders One doesn't watch a Troma film expecting a truly profound and subtle work of cinematic art which offers some heavy meditation on the many facets of the human condition. Instead one watches a Troma flick for its zany humor and total giddy lack of any significant intellectual content. This picture certainly fits that latter bill something hysterical. Carol Griffiths (a winning performance by luscious brunette knockout Virginia Penta) and Bill Andrews (a solid turn by likable lug Mark Mikulski) are a young couple experiencing relationship problems. They take their cause to Family Court, where the batty Judge Gabriel (a marvelously wacky portrayal by Professor Irwin Corey) takes them back in time to view various lovers throughout the ages. Writers/directors Lloyd Kaufman and Michael Herz relate the silly story at a nonstop frantic pace and pitch the cheerfully dumb and shameless lowbrow humor at an extremely broad and cartoonish level. Granted, said humor is idiotic and unsophisticated to the ninth degree, but the jokes about such things as sex, erections, urination, homosexuality, pot smoking, flatulence, and super tight designer jeans are very funny in an admittedly crude no-brainer sort of way. In fact, a few of the gags are downright surreal, with the definite loopy highlight being a raunchy stag movie for chickens (!). Penta and Mikulski make for appealing and attractive leads. Kudos are also in order for the infectiously bouncy soundtrack (a nifty cover of "Love Will Keep Us Together" is especially sweet). A complete riot
Max Power This movie came on by chance one night when we randomly decided to scroll through TV channels while enjoying a social lubricant. We almost fell off our chairs laughing. This movie is completely mental and I have been searching for it ever since. Don't watch it if you are a boring dork with a poor sense of humour who takes themselves super seriously. Otherwise, take a sip of your poison and enjoy. It's hilarious. By the end of the movie it had all gotten so crazy that I half expected there to be a knock on my front door and I would open it only to find the judge from the film standing there demanding to be let in. My recollection is not 100% but we had an awesome time watching it. Very funny.
Darth Mackinnon This stinker of a film is based on the idea of a lesson on the history of romantic love, featuring lovers in cave-man times, during the napoleonic era and so on. If this is truly the history of man-woman romantic love, it's little wonder the divorce rate is so high! This is the only video that I have ever rented, only to return it without watching it in its entirety. The hour that I wasted trying to give it an honest try was painful! I was actually embarrassed to be watching so hideous a display of talentless scripting, acting and production. The voting system does not allow for negative ratings, but if I could give one, this movie would be it. To be avoided at all costs.True Rating: 0