Subject Two

2006 "Death has its side effects."
5.4| 1h33m| en

A doctor invents a resurrection formula and tests it by killing his assistant over and over and over again


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Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
fulcigore I rented this film after reading about it in a past issue of Fangoria magazine, If for no other reason besides that it was shot in my home state of Colorado. I was surprised by the level of story and thought provoking material in the film.The story revolves around a curious young med student named Adam who is desperate for a job. He takes up an offer from the peculiar Dr. Vick, who is developing theories on the based-in-fact concept of cryonics. Adam becomes involved in a wonderfully twisted experiment of dead and the undoing of death. It is great to watch as he plunges into madness as Dr. Vick gets more and more sadistic in the killing of our protagonist.This was really a great movie, especially on shot for under $25K. The story was great, with lots of twists and unexpected turns. The acting is extremely stellar for such a low budget production, and the beautiful snow capped Aspen Mountains make a great Setting for the story.I recommend this film to nearly everyone looking for a good story.
Gorgon Zola The reason I went ahead to see this flick was because of the near 6 vote it had and much of the commentary which was rather positive. It is usually a good way of checking out a movie beforehand but in this case I felt cheated.Because even with the best intentions, its impossible to find this movie anything other than it being a complete disaster in every aspect.Story: The story is no more, no less just as the tagline on the cover. Nothing else happens but a guy being killed, brought back to life, killed, brought back to life etc. There is no sub direction, no subplot or any other elaborate magnification on the whys or the hows. Some have tried in their comments to led u to believe that it has, but there are none. The conversations go like this:Guy1: "How about that weather ey?" Guy2: "What about it?" Guy1: "Bit moist don't u think?" Guy2: "now that u mention it.." Guy1: "I hate walking in the rain, don't u?" Guy2: "yeah I did that once, I got all wet!" Etc.Plot: There is no plot, the stuff is just happening without any redeeming explanation as to why or what. They just mention some words as Nanotechnology (which isn't used) and cryogenics (not used either) and this is supposed to interest the viewer to go ahead and see it through. They could just as well have mentioned Kamasutra techniques which would have had no baring on the plot either.<---here is that spoiler but since u should really skip this film u might as well just read it--->Plot twist/ending: They tried to have one, but hopelessly failed and again I can not believe someone actually wrote that it had an unexpected twist at the end. Anyone who has ever seen a horror flick before in his life must have secretly been praying at the beginning of the movie that the corpse in the snow was not going to be alive again at the end. But OMG!!! that's exactly what happens. My wife and I couldn't stop laughing when it did. And the living corpse turned out to be the real doctor. "So what?" I ask u. It's not like the real doctor would have done anything different opposed to the guy impersonating him (the assistant, subject nr. 1). that's not a twist, it's lamer than lame and just about the worst thing they could have come up with.Performance: The performance of the actors was overall good. Some did claim that dr. Vic bore a too striking resemblance to Jack Nicholson, to me a young Michael Ironside came to mind.Special effects: Someone wrote about special effects, like if they were even in this movie. Or maybe this person was talking about those pathetic looking contact lenses the main character had on his eyes which made it hard to keep a straight face watching the guy from that point on.Location: The location of the set is praised by many in the comments, but lets be honest people; a horror/thriller set in an overly sunny and bright snowy environment could not ever work. It made it look like a holiday brochure for crying out loud. Overall only the acting could have been a lot worse but please, regarding the rest, who in their right minds would seriously find this an enjoyable pastime?I rate this stinker 2/10. The extra point given for those beautiful blue eyes of Kate (Courtney Mace).
KillerCadugen I have to admit I was intrigued by this new look at the Frankenstein ideal, but despite the number of times Adam (Christian Oliver) died and was resurrected and Vick (Dean Stapleton) battled with the complexities of his formula and its side effects, the story never seemed to go anywhere. How about a insight into death and what may lie on the other side? How about some moral or ethical message? I will say this, the acting was quite good and I liked all the performances even though Stapleton bore an uncanny resemblance to Jack Nicholson (probably intended) but this was one of those movies I was waiting to end so I could put something else in.
Rabh17 Now mind you-- I was 'intrigued' by it-- but a Saturday Night Horror Splatter flick it is not what you will see. It wasn't even all that talky-- which was surprising-- which made it go even slower. SO as a horror Fan you see disaffected, brilliant med student answers phone-- opens email-- and BOOM! he heads up up into the High Frosty Trackless Aspen Wilderness , get picked up by beeyootiful single bluejean gal, dropped off at foot of snowy trail-- heads up to lone cabin and meets a fella with Jack-Nicholson-Homicidal-Maniac written ALL OVER HIS FACE. . .You say-- Okay-- All the ingredients are there: Clueless Kid, Beeyootiful Gal, Homicidal Maniac, Isolated cabin, lots of clean white snow. . .Let the Splattering Begin!So the viewer settles back with his nachos, watches as Clueless Kid actually turns his Back on Homicidal Maniac and BAM! he's whacked!I'm like "Huh? Dead Already?"And that's when the movie goes off into the Twilight zone. Without Spoiling the plot-- I will say I give the movie points for taking the concept in a totally unexpected direction. But on the whole it was a little tedious, moved too languidly and left the viewer frustrated-- I mean when is the Homicidal Maniac gonna Get Whacked!?! It was frustrating watching the Clueless Kid get Whacked--and whacked--and whacked--and whacked some more--and you say to yourself: "It isn't even Funny-- I mean give me a break-- Okay Death and Side-effects, I get it!-- STOP WHACKING HIM ALREADY! Jesus!"I give the movie a Half-Grade 50-50. It mainly messed up in the expectation department for me. I was 'intrigued'-- but because it didn't cover my expectation as a horror flick, so I wasn't really entertained as much as I thought I would be. I settled down thinking I'd get a splatter flick-- and instead was caught in a mental-karmic-existential exploration about Death and the creepy relationship between Clueless Kid and Homicidal Maniac. It literally left me scratching my head-- If that is what the Movie Makers wanted-- kudos to them. . .I guess. But most of my friends would have been screaming "BORING" and hitting the Eject stud.