Submarine Seahawk

4.9| 1h23m| en

For his first command in the Pacific war a by-the-book officer is ordered to take his submarine on a reconnaissance mission to locate a fleet of Japanese fighting ships the Allies have lost track of. At first, the rest of the crew resent his distant manner and the way he keeps avoiding taking on the Japs.


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American International Pictures


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Joanna Mccarty Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Alistair Olson After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Leofwine_draca SUBMARINE SEAHAWK is a bog-standard WW2 story about the crew of an American submarine patrolling the waters in the western Pacific and getting involved in various scrapes and battles with their Japanese enemies. While the picture does attempt a little characterisation on those at the top, this is very much a sub-par movie compared to the true classics of the genre starring the likes of Richard Widmark who were able to fully realise the complexity of a man whose job it is is to care for his men while acting completely mercilessly towards the enemy. It doesn't help that the storyline has been done to death and much better in other instances.This picture was put out by Nicholson and Arkoff at AIP, a studio more at home making B-movie sci-fi or horror pictures. The only thing it really has going for it are some excellent, expensive-looking battle sequences, some of which seem to be actual footage from the war. I'm sure stock footage was used extensively and it really helps, because the script is dullish and the cast even more so. John Bentley, a British actor so good in various crime thrillers of the 1950s, is hard to swallow as the American captain and feels outside of his comfort zone. You just want him to come home and make more British films.
gary1792-1 Oh, lord this is a bad movie. I was in the hospital awaiting gall bladder surgery when I first saw this piece of crud. The best thing I can say is that it made me look forward to the surgery.A lousy storyline and awful dialogue. As an example, when the sub is ordered out to sea for a difficult mission one of the sub command officers says to an admiral, "I don't like it." The admiral responds, "Talk to the man who invented war." I almost choked on my red jello.There is a whole load of very familiar stock footage in this thing. Normally, I've got no problem with that, but did they have to use everything they could get their hands on?I will give them credit for economy, though. I think I counted a total of 9 sailors on this boat, including the captain. Every time the scene cut away from the bridge and showed the crew, it was the same five guys. Pretty funny.If you happen to see this film is coming on, please miss it. Go to Europe if you have to, just miss it.
NavyOrion You've seen this movie before, done by everybody from Cary Grant ("Destination Tokyo") to Clark Gable ("Run Silent Run Deep") to Glenn Ford ("Torpedo Run"), and done better in pretty much every case.This is a cast of nobody-you-ever-heard-of (for good reasons; I hope they didn't quit their day jobs) in a stock WWII plot about a sub on a secret mission. The acting is atrocious, the characters are incredibly clichéd (especially annoying: the short enlisted "comic relief" Jerry Lewis clone), and there are plot holes big enough to drive a submarine through.If that were all it had, I'd give "Submarine Seahawk" maybe 2 stars, as an almost complete waste of film. However, this movie is saved from the scrap pile by better than average effects (some borrowed from other films), particularly in the climactic scene of the air assault on the Japanese flotilla. It's the explosions, fires, and splashes that usually give the model work in naval movies that shot-in-the-bathtub look. But especially considering how long ago this movie was made (and its obviously meager budget) those visuals were very nicely done. If for no other reason (and I sure can't think of any) this movie is worth watching for the impressive effects in that scene.What's the best way to see "Submarine Seahawk"? Do as I did the first time I saw it, and miss the first hour or so. (I only wish I had missed that part again on my second viewing.) 9 stars for the attack scene, 2 for the rest of the movie.
John Seal The story isn't much, but the miniature footage is pretty good for an AIP quickie and the stock footage is quite well integrated for once. It won't set your world alight but it's certainly better than some of the other AIP war films (Paratroop Command, Tank Batallion, etc.)

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