
6.2| 1h51m| en

The true story of a love affair between mob boss Sam Giancana and singer Phyllis McGuire.


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Steineded How sad is this?
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
pgaray2678 What kind,brand,make sunglasses does John Turturro wear and where can i buy them. I have looked for them and can't find them. So if you know what brand they are and where i can get them that would make my life lol they are very nice. Oh this movie was great. Our very own Mary-Louise Parker from our favorite show Weeds. She is my favorite actress btw. This movie shows the life of their relationship but the real deal behind this movie was the plot to wack President J Kennedy. They got most of the information from the book Double Cross by Mooney's Godson and His Brother Chuck. So yeah good movie check out the book i mentioned.
Tomus7 From the New York Times of 27 June 2007, about a just released batch of CIA documents."One technician was arrested in 1960 after trying to bug a Las Vegas hotel room. The operation had been requested by Sam Giancana, the Chicago mobster, who was then helping the C.I.A. in a plot to assassinate Mr. Castro. Mr. Giancana had been concerned that his girlfriend, the singer Phyllis McGuire, was having an affair with the comedian Dan Rowan, and surveillance was ordered to "determine the extent of his intimacy" with her."I think this is a 'telling' incident on several fronts.
ldavis-2 From Adam and Eve to Jack and Ennis, there have been countless stories about what happens when lovers don't show a little self-restraint. What most of these have in common, however, is the authors manage to make the audience care about the two crazy kids whose actions spell doom for themselves and everyone around them. "Sugartime" - which I caught last night - is not one of them.Her sister warns Phyllis that Boy Toy threatens their act. But the scene at the dinner table convinced me these two deserved each other. The set up is obvious: we're supposed to take their side by siding against Boy Toy's kid! Annette may be a brat, but she has every right to be upset. So how does Reverned McGuire's little girl handle the situation? By telling Annette, in so many words, to f*ck off!Narcissistic bubble-head Phyllis is no prize, but neither is Annette's father, and not only because he has friends in low places. Sam is a vicious sociopath -- and that's his good quality! I was shocked the movie totally omitted that while he and Phyllis were canoodling, Sam had "friend" Judy Campbell bouncing like a ping-pong ball between himself and her "friend," JFK!Then there's how Tony Accardo is depicted. Accardo ruled organized crime longer than any mobster, 50 years! Sam was never boss of the Chicago underworld, but merely Accardo's junior partner. To have him do nothing but sit around and bitch about "that dame" - and get yelled at by some goombah - is not only historically inaccurate, but (dare I say it) insulting to Accardo.As if none of this were bad enough, the film makers didn't care about cohesiveness, much less, telling a compelling story. We jump from "1960" to "8 Months Later" to "7 Years Later" with no points of reference. I don't know which is the bigger crime: the girls repeatedly singing the title song off-key or that we're asked to care for Sam and Phyllis when they clearly could give a rat's behind about anyone but themselves.
bob the moo Sam Giancaca is the head of the mob that runs Las Vegas. When he meets and falls for the lead singer of a group `the McGuire sisters' he begins to drift from his day to day duties and finds his leadership compromised as the Grand Jury looms nearer.This TVM is based on a true story - I don't know any of the characters involved so I can only take their word for that. The story focuses on the relationship between Sam and Phyllis rather than the activity of the mob itself - it has some crossover but not much. This makes it feel a little tame compared to mob films like Goodfellas etc. We never really come to understand Sam's lifestyle in terms of the violence it contains, I was certainly never fully convinced that he had blood on his hands. That said, it's still entertaining. The director gives many of Sam and Phyllis's scenes a good sense of wry humour that helps make it feel a little more acceptable. The downside is that it does leave you feeling that the mob side of his life (the main part) has been dumped in favour of the relatively minor love affair.Turturro can't be bad even if he wanted to and he does create an interesting character. His relationship with Phyllis is not as full as it should be, so it's hard to accept his weakness for her, but he's good for the most. Parker is quite good as Phyllis, she deals well with the part for the witty romance, but when it comes to confronting what her man does she doesn't convince. Of the rest of the cast the standout is the always brilliant Elias Koteas - one of my favourite actors. My God but if the man can be good in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles then he can be good in anything! Here he is OK but doesn't have a big part at all - of course I'm biased and can't help but single him out.Overall this was enjoyable although I didn't feel I knew anymore about Giancaca than I did at the start of the film. As a lesson it fails, as 90 diverting minutes it has several good things to offer.