Sukeban Boy

5.1| 1h2m| en

A raucous teen boy with a feminine face is teased everywhere, so his odd biker father dresses him as a girl and sends him to an all-girl school. The lad introduces himself as Sukeban, and a classmate, Michiko, takes him to after-school activities. Lessons on humility turn violent when a masked hatchet-wielding woman turns up. Jealousy, syringes of hormones, bare breasts, a blood bath, and more figure in the resolution.


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Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Cassandra Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
CDTrannyLez Its so laughable when you read reviews by people who refer to themselves as "Westerners" and they act so mystified and shocked by the "sexual practices" of the Far East. First lets face facts. The sexual proclivities of people in the United States are no more tame or less bizarre then anywhere else in the world. Go visit your local adult shop or an adult convention in America. You will see its just as shocking and weird if not more so. Look at the AVN awards that are held in the United States and you will see that we should not be pointing fingers at anyone's fetish or perversions.Second, this particular movie was designed to be gory and sexual. Its a "Pink" film after all by the makers of "Machine Girl". It doesn't represent all the people of Japan. I'm sure anyone who watches "Jackass" realizes that not all Americans go around shoving matchbox cars in their backside or engage in dangerous stunts for fun.
lazarillo From the Land of 1,000 Strange Perversions (i.e. Japan) comes this tale of a "male" gang-leader and "son" of a biker, who goes hiding out in a girls' school. This ruse works because the gang-leader is gifted with very "feminine" features--perhaps not surprisingly, since "he" is played by diminutive female Japanese porn star Asami. Of course, Asami looks nothing like a boy, nor is she any better actress than most porn stars. All this bizarre plot conceit really accomplishes is to keep Asami in her clothes most of the movie, but the other girls here more than make up for that. And fortunately somebody finally shoots up Asami's character with female hormones turning her into a "real" girl (kinda like Pinnochio--or maybe not. . .) just in time for the climactic nude karate scene! As a Westerner it's sometimes hard to separate strange Japanese sexual perversions from strange Japanese comedy. But I'm pretty sure this movie was aiming more for comedy than sexual titillation. You do have a scene where Asami's schoolmates practice stripping out of their school uniforms while pretending to be "bashful". There are bunch of nubile girls dancing around in nothing but Sumo thongs for no apparent reason. And the colorful female gangs at the school include a gang of bald, tattooed, but of course, topless female monks; the Braless Women, a gang who (especially by Asian standards) all really, really need to wear bras; and a Kekko Kammen-esque naked female supervillain called "Full Frontal Woman", who creates a "bloodbath at every school where she shows up." Of course, mixed in with this bizarre sexploitation is a lot of not-so-erotic zaniness such as when the father's hairy biker gang also shows at the school VERY unconvincingly disguised as uniformed schoolgirls.This movie parodies everything from gender-bender sex comedies to "Kekko Kammen"-type movies to 70's girl-gang "pinky violence" films of Toho Studios. It's very cheap and not particularly good, but it is kind of fun. Asami and her friends are not very good at karate, but they're all very cute. All in all, this is a moderately pleasurable time waster.
Jo First about the SPOILERS warning: Some trash-movies are so unbelievable predictable, that no one could write a comment without telling 99 point nine percent of their story. That can be the case with this movie..If i would tell you Sukeban Boy is some strange Manga adaption (of a comic i've never read), realized with living & real actors (though you might think puppets could act better) containing & dealing with some school girls in some strange clubs (which again base on girls being naked, when not stripping - though while fighting) and some sick gore-stuff... AND some really cheap martial arts.That could/would be a SPOILER....if you're a fan of mangas with a cheap story. Well, its a cheap movie...Except you're a real movie fan. Disregarding any taste. Read on..If you can accept a little bit of B-Movie, some faked blood, and a lot of soft-porn-like content you will love this movie. Its a compilation of the most aesthetic (ultra-)soft-porn, the most un- aesthetic martial arts you have (and may ever) see(n) (again) PLUS the most child-friendly gore-style scenes EVER.The gore/splatter: Its not like some "Sweeney Todd"-fake-blood-with-singing.. no, its like some have-fun-with-fake-blood-on-nickelodeon. It features flesh-like guns coming out of nipples, the "Planet Terror"-leg-gun (actually 20 guns from a 99 ct Store), an axe-murderer with an axe more blunt than the dwarven axe from "Dungeons & Dragons" & without a murder, a "Alien"/"Men in Black"-Roach/"Power Rangers" Costume AND a Marx-Brothers smear-with-blood scene.The porn: mainly tits... a lot of them... nothing more, but a lot... the whole time... every girl gets naked (naked as the day they were born, but mostly just showing their tits).. AND every guy shows his tits..The martial-arts: quite a lot of them appear in the movie. They DO NOT move the plot any further. But they are there. And somehow they seem to make sense.. its not like the movie hasn't a plot.. but somehow, i don't know why, it seems to base on martial arts - WITHOUT a plot being related to the martial-arts-scenes. And they are bad. There isn't ANY choreography. not a bit, not an ounce - nothingThe main point is: taking these features altogether, its no Kubrick - but its worth trying. And it has very artistic sides, like: a Ballhaus slide around some naked butts, a short faked slow motion, about two or three final martial-arts moves, that are farts, kicks to the head, that are pasted in... NO not "Adobe-Premiere"-style, more like MS PAINT on Windows 3.1.1 in better resolution, and manga-like waiting-for-some-action scenes (like most of the famous "Dragonball" Episodes in the TV-series)The conclusion of this comment: its the BEST of most B-movies mixed together in a nonrecurring cocktail of Japanese manga-movie, B-splatter-movie, very-soft-porn and extreme-cheap-made-martial-arts-without-choreography. See it or leave it - its original, its sick, its great - but its ART!
nobbynormalsuperstar I have just bought the DVD of Sukeban Boy and after watching it i couldn't decide if it deserved 10/10 or 1/10 so i watched it again and gave it 10. Japanese idol Asami(a girl)plays the title roll of Sukeban boy,a boy who is always getting into trouble because he has a pretty girlish face.His father(who has fallen in love with Sukeban's face)decides to send him to an all girls school disguised as a girl.Then it starts to get weird... Pantyhose and naked breast gangs,lots of half naked women,guns coming out of girls chests,lots of half naked women,guns in the stumps of amputated legs,bad martial arts and almost lesbian love(almost lesbian love because Sukeban is a boy,well at least he is at the start of the film). Okay,so i nearly confused myself there.If you like insane Japanese movies then be sure to get a copy of this one.I did and i'm rather normal.