Sum of Histories

2015 "What would you do if you could change the past?"
6.8| 1h26m| en

A scientist makes a discovery that allows him to send emails back in time, but meddling with his past may not give him the future he wants.


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Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Micransix Crappy film
Catherina If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.
daniel-nys Filmed in a nice part of Belgiums most beautiful university cities, a great Flemish cast acts in a movie about parallel universes. What if you can change the past by sending it a simple email? Three student die in a protest, 25 years later a professor and his doctorandus try to change this event but end up changing their own future. The fantastic Koen De Graeve, Metteo Simoni, Robrecht Vanden Thoren and Karina Smulders draw you attention to keep up with the parallel but never returning futures.
Pandhalt A very sweet film grappling with the ramifications of time travel (or more correctly time communication) and perhaps concluding (hopefully without too much of a spoiler) that in the end true love (or is it?) finds a way.Fluctuating between the film's release date in 2015 and a projected future in 2040, the saddest part of the film is the apparent lack of change, (besides interactive chalkboards) not an alien in evidence! Acquaintances in the park live out various futures dictated at times by different hands with divergent agendas, solely through the medium of email. Like all films concerned with time, the film leaks plot holes, but still manages a semblance of believability. I thought the acting and settings wonderful, but the film owes much to a wonderful piano led score. And if you ever put your hand on some glass (even Vermelen), prepare for the pane!
devestele "Terug naar Morgen" is that kind of movie that sticks to your mind for some days. The story (a scientist fiddling with the past because of emotional reasons) is well thought off, has several layers and sideways. Watching this movie is like reading a good intriguing book. The performances of the actors are excellent (I liked for example very much the way every character has a slightly different personality in the different time episodes). The movie has been made with a lot of attention to details, which invites to watch it a second time. On top of this, it is very pleasant and symbolic that the movie has been shot in the famous and beautiful Belgian university town of Leuven. In short: recommended !
Benjamin Declercq This movie is the debut of writer and director Lukas Bossuyt.Two scientists discover a way to send back messages to the past. Although they don't really stress the scientific point of view, it's still has a lot of credibility and you don't feel like you're in a science fiction movie. They soon realize they can't take advantage of their discovery.However they try to change what went wrong in the past so it could benefit themselves. Things didn't work out the way they planned. The end is unexpected, not the typical happy ending. I personally really liked the movie. You have to keep focus though because there is one character who is presumed to be older than what he looks like in the movie (Tom should be 25 years older). The movie is shot in Leuven, a city well known for its college students. The music goes well with it. Certainly a recommendation, nevertheless it's regrettable that they didn't recast "older Tom".

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