Super K

2011 "Some Heroes are born... but he was created"
1.3| 1h35m| en

Dreamzone, is a special world in the Galaxy, ruled by the kind hearted King “Maximus” but unknown to him, his brother “Badmess” is plotting to overthrow him. Unlike most superheroes who are born, Super K, a kid is created by Badmess using the powers of all the Dreamzonians. But a goof up causes Super K to turn out a freak, unable to control his powers and hence deserted by Badmess. Badmess, befriends the evil Dr. Ozox, who has his own sinister plan of taking over Dreamzone. Super K and his friends, come together to protect Dreamzone from the evil clutches of Dr. Ozox but at the same time Super K has to learn to control his powers.



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Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
TheLittleSongbird As a massive animation fan, Kiara the Brave really is as execrable as the reviewers on IMDb and Amazon say. Don't look for redeeming merits, there are not an awful lot of movies, animated or otherwise, that are completely irredeemable but Kiara the Brave certainly is, managing to do the seemingly impossible and be even worse than Life's a Jungle: Africa's Most Wanted. First and foremost the title, not in a long time has there been a more misleading title for a movie, Super K would have been much more fitting because Super Kloud is the main character, Kiara is literally barely in it. That's the least of Kiara the Brave's problems though. The animation is some of the worst there's ever been for any style, ugly colours, blocky backgrounds, blocky character movements and traumatising character designs(especially the hideous one for Super Kloud, which contributed to my 10-year old friend's night terror after he watched it) that make those of Video Brinquedo's and Spark Plug Entertainment's outputs seem tame in comparison. The music is plodding, forgettable at best and often out of place, some of it and the sound effects were just bizarre(if not quite as bad as Life's a Jungle). The dialogue is enough to give you the urge to pull your ear-drums out, it was juvenile, intelligence-insulting(for kids and adults alike) and just sounded like it was made up on the spot. Not just the writing quality but the way it was delivered too. The story is a colossal bore and makes an even bigger mistake of being incoherent, my friend actually asked what was going on in the story and I couldn't tell him. Slow pacing has never been a problem and understanding what's going on in a movie rarely has, but both were a major problem in Kiara the Brave. The characters are not engaging in the slightest, the supposed title character has a dull as dishwater personality, the actual lead character is obnoxious and the villains are creepy even for villains. The voice acting sounded like nobody put any effort in or forgot their acting lessons providing that they had any in the first place. In conclusion, dreadful in every way imaginable, a must-avoid, and this is coming from a person who is a vast majority of the time very subjective apart from in special cases like this. 0/10 Bethany Cox
teknojo The animation is sub par, but I could overlook that. The voice acting is not bad, I have heard far worse. It can be almost funny at times with the naming of enemies, CFC warriors Destroy Cloud warriors.But the story... is... so... bad...There are elements of Hercules, Incredibles, Teen Titans, Harry Potter, Brave, pretty much all of them. It is like the writer(s) watched all the kids movies and T.V. shows from the last fifteen years, got drunk and or high, and wrote a story with various characters, scenes and lines from all the stories rewritten into this new one. Some of the characters are just blatantly stolen like the incarnation of "The Future" as Jack and looks like a certain pirate we all know and love.The universe in which the story takes place is bizarre and haphazardly explained. The Solar system exists as a sort of re conceptualizing of the Greek Pantheon. There are also some casual mentions of the God and some elements of other mythologies thrown into the mix.My niece only continued watching after the halfway mark because she had to go to bed after it was over. I would mark this as a negative star or three if I could.
zack_wall OK, remind me again what film school(if any) this crew graduated from, because I'd like to add it to my Do-Not-Attend list. I'd be akin to forgiving them for the terrible graphics, but not for the boring, confusing, drawn out, strange, and extremely uninteresting storyline. If you're going to make your mark in the filming world, at least try to be a little ambitious, regardless of your budget. And calling this title 'Kiara The Brave' during the same year that 'Brave' came out is a great way to get yourself listed as a ripoff artist. You shouldn't have to fool people into watching your film because they've mistaken it for the real thing. That's a sure sign of poor creativity. I thought I'd give this a chance, because I could certainly do without the fancy graphics had the movie at least held my attention. It did not, and now I'll be placing this film to the back of my memory, hopefully to be forgotten forever. Do not watch this movie unless you're a Prof. at a film school using it as an example of how NOT to make an animated flick.
MartinHafer To say that the animation of "Kiara the Brave" is bad is a HUGE understatement. It's absolutely abysmal. In fact, if a student in an art college produced this, the school would probably dismiss them and disavow all knowledge of them! While it might have looked pretty good about 1990 (before "Toy Story"), for 2011 it looks like crap. Really bright, garish and poorly rendered crap! If the animation isn't bad enough, the story itself looks like something you'd come up with during an acid trip. None of it makes the least bit of sense and would be of interest only to the dumbest and least demanding children.Now this brings me to the interesting part. Although the cover art APPEARS to be a rip-off of Pixar's new film, "Brave", the film actually has NOTHING to do with this...NOTHING! All in all, there is not one thing to recommend this film. It is bad, amateurish and painful to watch. I really wish I could give this one a zero!

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