Supercop 2

1993 "Only One Force Can Stop This Crime Wave....And She's One Tough Cop!"
6.1| 1h44m| R| en

As a crime wave sweeps through Hong Kong, the police call Jessica Yang (Yeoh), a rising star in the ranks, to help stop a notorious gang of thieves! What Jessica doesn't realize is that her boyfriend - recently discharged from the force - is the leader of this ruthless crime ring!


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Orange Sky Golden Harvest


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Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Paul Magne Haakonsen If you have seen Hong Kong movies from the early 1990s, then you will find yourself at home with "Project S" (aka "Chao ji ji hua"). This 1993 movie has every ingredient that were using in the Hong Kong action cinema in the early 1990s. But it is not a bad thing, because they had found a formula that worked quite well, and "Project S" is no exception.The story is about a criminal gang from mainland China doing a robbery in Hong Kong. And to close down the criminal activities and catch them, the Hong Kong police gets assistance from Hua, a highly decorated police officer from China.As with almost all movie from that era, there is a lot of action, gunfights and martial arts in this movie. And the action sequences were well executed and the martial arts well choreographed. One thing that was a bit bad was how poor everyone were at hitting targets with their firearms.The acting was good, and the cast list had some good names to it. As always, you never go wrong with Michelle Yeoh, and she delivers well in this movie. And for fans of the Hong Kong cinema then there were two grand cameos in the movie, and they are in drag nonetheless; you will see Jackie Chan and Eric Tsang. No kidding!"Project S" is a standard, if not generic, early 1990s Hong Kong action movie, but it is still an enjoyable movie to watch.
JC VD Firstly, the script kicks ass! It's a local story, authentic dialogs, fast paced, straight forward and realistic, yet entertaining. Most of all, it got lots of authentic local cultures in it and it stands out. (Plz don't make movies just for the foreigners markets, draw foreign markets with your local culture - remember the success of Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Mr. Vampire series, & recently Pang Brothers movies???!!!)What stands out is the time frame of the storyline is longer than most movies out there in the same genre and yet you don't feel bored or awkward. All the actors and actresses' performances' are so natural and believable. Don't know why, but it makes it so much relaxing to watch. Even the cameos all ditched in and made the movie better bit by bit.Thirdly, the director is very smart in the sense that he acknowledged that he didn't have the luxury of getting the support from Jackie Chan's stuntmen group. Thus, you can't stuff the whole movie with those crazy stunts. Instead, he created a lot of exciting action scenes from various authentic settings - shoot em all scene from the worn down factory building, the underground banking, and the HK underground subway systems.It's jam packed with action, drama, terrific fight scenes. In all it's a great movie because everyone in the movie knows what they're doing and did very well. It may not have the Hollywood production $$$ but definitely more entertaining than their recycled story lines & movie stars. It's a celebration of HK movie during the 90s era! Top notch real S!#$% hk police action crime movie!!! 9/10!!! A must see! Go rent it today!!! (I bet Banlieue 13 stole some ideas from movies like this one =)
zedthedestroyer Apart from some fight scenes near the end during the bank heist, the movie was, sadly, run-of-the-mill. Although Michelle Yeoh is billed as the lead, it feels more like an ensemble movie. She had more to do in "Heroic Trio" and she shared top billing with two other women in that film. Go watch that or "Wing Chun" instead.
gomorra I am a fan of Hong Kong Action Movies. This one is a disappointment. The "love" story never really gells. There is far to much love story and semi-comedic momments and not nearly enouph action. I wish it were better, and the ghost of the movie it should have been lurks in the shadows of this film.