
2| 1h26m| en

A team of soldiers must stop a giant, bloodthirsty crocodile from reaching a nearby city, while trying to avoid being a meal for the beast themselves.


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Also starring Cynthia Rose Hall


Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Diagonaldi Very well executed
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Twilightfa Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.
Tom Willett (yonhope) The sound is dreadful. The background music drowns out much of the dialog. Gunfire sounds added to the soundtrack leaves the audience wondering if one of the very dumb characters might have said something that could be quoted later. The female star shouts her lines and she manages to irritate the audience when she cries or argues or even when she says nothing. It is the director's fault. The dailies would show that the cast needed to be changed. Keep the fake croc or fake helicopter or fake gunfire but lose the cast. The guy lead is OK but his character is wimpy. He should have been the girl. I generously give this two stars because I think something worse is waiting for me to watch that I could give a one star rating. The CGI monster is adequate. These people will make a movie again if we don't stop them in Oxnard or Point Magu, they could reach Los Angeles and lay eggs.
Chase_Witherspoon The acting is competent, with Kim Little (sort of resembles a Faith Ford and Elisabeth Shue hybrid which is kind of cool), playing her cards close to her chest as Government palaeontologist called in to advise on a giant crocodile that's been unearthed by an earthquake, threatening coastal towns en route to LA. Soldiers in the field (Hall & Blashaw) are being pursued by the indestructible behemoth with General (Novak), Little's character and other assorted advisors frantically co-ordinating efforts to control the beast's path of destruction from HQ.It's all digital camcorder, CGI, synthesiser-sound, cheap home movie stuff, and while the performances are probably better than average for this type of production, the overall result is lacklustre. A raft of audio-visual tricks that don't paper over the budget holes, no realistic interaction between actors and the title antagonist, MTV-style light, sound and editing techniques, masses of stock footage but most disappointing of all, precious little horror or suspense.It's the kind of movie that looks conceived and executed by visual artists instead of storytellers, all smoke & mirrors sans substance.
nyx90 I found myself cheering every time the giant lizard ate another one of these crappy actors.Every line is a cliché, the effects are made on decade old computers, and the actors must have been friends of the director. All in all I get the expression that they collected some guys, gave them some gun replicas and gave them a couple of lines each. It really feels like a cheap TV-show on sci-fi channel or something, with special effects substandard to even high school media students. Who on earth gave these guys funds for this. I bet someone is having rich parents. This film made me angry. For wasting my time, as well as others.
scootb73 Supercroc is one of those movies that doesn't quite motivate you enough to get up of the couch and turn and it off.The acting wasn't too bad I guess,but the CGI and the storyline were rotten!!!!Remember lake placid? That movie had humour,decent effects,decent acting and although the storyline was unbelievable,it was enjoyable.Supercroc on the other hand left me feeling like I had wasted around 90mns of my life!The movie wasn't quite bad enough to motivate me to turn it off,I say not quite,but very,very close to it. I just wanted it to finish so I could go to bed.If you love low budget,bad acting,terrible story lines etc.. then this movie is a must!!! If not,I'd avoid it like the plague!