A brilliant film that helped define a genre
A Brilliant Conflict
At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Working in Hawaii to stop an impending eruption, a vulcanologist and his team come across a scientist tracking an escaped prehistoric crocodile in the area and must unite to bring the creature down before it rampages through the area.Overall this one was a very enjoyable cheesy creature feature. What makes this one so much fun is the rather fun encounters that come about here from the continuation of the channel's quick-shot attacks throughout here. The suspenseful stalking of the couple at the lake in the beginning, the cheesy model photo-shoot at the waterfall which leads in the first of many chases through the forest, the attack on the pot harvesters at the clearing or the tense scene of the couple hiding out by the trees in the jungle where they hope to let it pass by without being seen are all part of this kind of set-up along the first half. The second half of the film is where this one really gets fun with the attack on the ridge coming up through the trees and launching a surprise attack, the ambush at the waterfall knocking them into the water and the incredibly fun time of the jeep attack that leads into the chase through the forest all come off as rather fun attacks in here due to the rather enjoyable time here. Even with these, though, the film's at its best with the finale where the creature attacks the tourists at the resort which has a ton of high-quality features, from the stalking of the guests to the chaos of the panicked crowds fleeing it advancing after them, the gunfire brought to bear on the creature to bring it down resulting in some great action to come along chasing it around and the final resolution to kill the creature gives this one a lot to really like, especially with the other big action scenes in this section really building into a solid series of scenes keeping the pace up quite nicely here. There's also quite a bit of fun with the main creature here, having not only a fun overall design suitable for a cheesy creature feature while also managing to get a nice tactic out of the use of the realistic creatures' jaws throughout many of the attacks which gives this a really cheesy tone that makes this one good enough to overcome the few flaws in here. The biggest issue in this one comes from the film's rather uneven first half which is filled with the brief attacks while spending far too much time on the back-story for each of the incidental characters set-up here as cannon-fodder. The photo-shoot models, the sorority couple, and the stoners all get way too much there than they really should since they're here only to up the body count. The other flaw here is the per-usual CGI that c comes into use for the creature which comes with all the usual hallmarks of the style here. These are what hold this one down.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Language and drug use.
In Hawaii, volcanologist Brad Johnson (as Scott Kinney) and young assistant Josh Kelly (as Ryan Houston) arrive to investigate a possible volcano eruption. Meanwhile, a prehistoric-looking alligator appears to be running amok, eating people. The titular "Supergator" attracts veteran alligator geneticist Kelly McGillis (as Kimberly "Kim" Taft). Acting (or not) as backup are reporter Bianca Lawson (as Carla Masters) and resident assistant Mary Alexander Stiefvater (as Alexandra Stevens)...These "Syfy Channel" and video premiering monster movies are generally mediocre, but a few are above average and even more can be fun to watch. Not this time. "Supergator" is sloppy and substandard, even for its genre. It's possible the already low budget was cut during production as several of the early to mid-film special effects are almost non-existent; they consist of extreme, indistinguishable close-ups. In a pink bikini, Holly Weber is most arousing. We see more of the alligator, later.** Supergator (7/14/07) Brian Clyde ~ Brad Johnson, Bianca Lawson, Kelly McGillis, Holly Weber
Girls in tiny bikinis and tight tank tops and cutoffs are what keeps SUPERGATOR halfway interesting. The gator, a mutant created from the DNA of a prehistoric creature, isn't half bad looking, either. The problem is, you have a bunch of actors (some of them clearly extras) running around, trying to escape a CGI creation that clearly is not there. Closeups of its (fiber glass) jaws chomping on cast members, with a lot of fake-looking blood flowing, doesn't really help. Anyhow, an aging Brad Johnson, who has appeared in far worse than this, plays a geologist checking out a volcano with the help of several folks, including a former student who is not much on acting but easy on the eyes. She spends a lot of time huddled in Johnson's massive arms. Meanwhile, a woman scientist and a great white hunter are out searching for the gator, which has escaped her lab. The two groups collide, and the gator has plenty to chow down on before heading for town. In the sames stretch of woods are two bikini-clad babes being photographed for a magazine, three young males who are busy getting blitzed and a pair of barely-clad female hikers who are frequently filmed from behind. I kept expecting one or more of the gals to take her top off or have sex or something, but nothing like this happens. On the other hand, the two bikini-clad babes do a lot of jumping up and down and running. At one point, one of them hides from the gator under a fallen tree and poses as if she were still being shot for a magazine cover. Believe me, I am not complaining. The film falls apart once the gator hits town, arriving right in the middle of a celebration that Johnson has tried to convince town officials to call off (sound familiar?) The body count is awesome but not very well done. See it for the babes and the nasty-looking gator.
This was pretty awful, but if you go in expecting something any different, you simply aren't too bright. Of course it's going to be bad, that's part of the fun. So I repeat - if you want to watch a GOOD movie, do not watch this. It's that simple. There's no reason anyone should be giving this one star and writing a bad review for it, because there is no reason you should have seen the movie if you wanted something decent.The plot was pretty much non-existent, like 10 or 20 other sci-fi channel movie plots, genetic engineering gone wrong, violence ensues.Save for one or two actresses (who are fortunately eaten very quickly), the acting was pretty decent, and some of the dialog between characters is actually pretty well written, it's almost a shame that no one lives long enough to develop their character.Special effects were so-so, exactly what you'd expect from a sci-fi channel original. Aside from the fact that it seemed to drastically change size throughout the movie, the 'supergator' was not bad at all. The blood however looked like it was put in with mspaint. You know the spraycan tool? It's like that. Perhaps they did this on purpose, so that when someone you liked gets eaten, you at least get the comic relief of ridiculous blood effects.Overall, it was very entertaining, an excellent movie to watch with friends on a Saturday night. If you really like the crumminess of other sci-fi channel movies, you will like this too. If you hate their movies, why on earth are you even looking this up?