
2010 "Who's Taking Who?"
6.2| 1h47m| PG-13| en

A seasoned team of bank robbers, including Gordon Jennings, John Rahway, A.J., and brothers Jake and Jesse Attica successfully complete their latest heist and lead a life of luxury while planning their next job. When Ghost, a former member of their team, is released from prison he convinces the group to strike an armored car carrying $20 million. As the "Takers" carefully plot out their strategy and draw nearer to exacting the grand heist, a reckless police officer inches closer to apprehending the criminals.


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RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Maisie This is not a summary; those can be found online. This is a review, an evaluation that will stir your curiosity so much it will cause a desire to see the movie, whether it is good or a bad waste of time.When a villain owns the ability to make a viewer cry, it is obvious how stunning and intoxicating the film is; 'Takers' is the epitome of this. Out of the five main villains- or perhaps protagonists- of the story, each one had the capability and the confidence to tear at the watcher's heart. Every character possessed and agonized his own tragedy, making him so real and more complex than just the offender of the film. The characters within drag the audience deep into their world and cause them to empathize. The audience suffers his misfortune, they grieve his heartbreak, they live his tragedy. 'Takers' is brilliant with an inviting and invigorating story line, but the characters hold the gold.This movie is not just a classic modern take on a con-heist; this movie is a relevant and tormenting tragedy that can bring the audience to tears. The beauty of this film is that the story shows the audience an action-packed plot, but gives each and everyone one of the characters a flaw or a struggle that causes him weakness. They are all criminals, yet the watcher can feel for and empathize with every villain. The main characters are antiheroes with ugly and dirty desires, yet they all have a little humanity within that doesn't allow the audience to look away. The films allow the viewers to look past their crooked and nasty ways and see them as a person, a person who is troubled and in pain. How many crime movies nowadays own the power to cause the audience to wipe their eyes at the end of a film? How many crime movies have the ability to tear the audience's heart out and cut it to shreds, but at the same time show an excellent plot with fantastic cinematography and scenes? The movie 'Takers' is the essence of this ability and therefore it is a movie that must be understood and appreciated.
Python Hyena Takers (2010): Dir: John Luessenhop / Cast: Matt Dillon, Idris Elba, Jay Hernandez, Paul Walker, Zoe Saldana: Well crafted bank robbery action film about dominance. It regards five criminals who plan and strike their target but their final heist halts with consequence. Matt Dillon plays a cop and father who investigates the latest heist while his partner is caught on camera committing theft. Idris Elba plays one of the criminals dealing with his sister's drug issues while hoping to grant her desire to leave for home. Chris Brown makes a great impression as one of the criminals who left prison with another heist in mind. Paul Walker also stars as one of the contacts. Dillon delivers his best performance since Crash as a cop struggling with his partner's criminal double life as well as trying to be a father and not being there enough. Jay Hernandez plays Dillon's partner who is criminally guilty and will conclude to a dead end. Idris Elba and Paul Walker also give credible performances as criminals who engage in the fatalities of crime while also reaping its so-called rewards. Zoe Saldana graces the screen becomes entwined in a risky romantic relationship within the group. While the ending may poise issues regarding right and wrong director John Luessenhop does an outstanding job at presenting a crime don't pay message of greed. It all seems fail safe in the planning stages but hindsight is 20 / 20 in that the disaster is never avoidable once the plan is in full effect. In the end this is a well crafted film where the only takers are those anticipating their own downfall early. Score: 9 / 10
bowmanblue This film has all the makings of a decent film – reasonable actors, a bit of action and some slick direction, but, for some reason, it just never seems to attain the right balance.It's about a gang of five robbers who rob places. And, unlike other films where the 'heroes' are thieves, these guys simply aren't that likable. They steal from the rich and that's about it. Therefore we can't really root for them. This would be okay, if it didn't feel like they were trying to be portrayed as decent people (which they're blatantly not!).Then, on the other hand, we have the two police officers who are hot on their heels. It would be easy to make them the good guys and the robbers the bad guys. However, these two aren't much more likable than their criminal counterparts. Therefore we have no one really to root for. Sure, they all look cool, but we still don't like them.Plus the first hour is pretty dull. I was getting quite bored, but at least the last act did save it. The heist is pretty exciting and it saves all the best parts for last.It's nothing special, but it's slightly better than a lot of its contemporaries. If you're in the mood for a light sort of heist movie then this is it, but I doubt anyone will remember it in a few weeks time! http://thewrongtreemoviereviews.blogspot.co.uk/
thekarmicnomad This film is called Takers, because (as one of the characters explain)it is about people who take things.The crew is full of interesting and likable characters who all have their own little talent that helps them in their caper. I use the words 'little talent' here deliberately. There is no mad Russian assassin or Chinese acrobat or geeky computer savant just some guys who are good at stealing stuff.It is like the director really wanted to take this movie seriously and ground it with a level of realism and sincerity. The rest is left up to the characters. This sounds great on paper but ( I am stabbing myself in the leg with pins as I say this) it makes for quite a dull movie.There are three scenes of intense action, the rest of the time is spent hanging around in bars.Well made, well acted, well written an enjoyable movie - just nothing special.