I like Black Panther, but I didn't like this movie.
i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.
Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Devon (Alona Tal) and Gabby (Daniella Monet) are in love with boy band 5 Leo Rise. Lincoln has known Devon forever, but she can't take his constant attention. To get the band to play at the school dance, the girls have gathered a ton of juice labels for a contest. They accidentally burn all the labels and everybody at school starts picking on them. They try to talk to the band but it turns out that they're a bunch of jerks. So they come up with a plan to kidnap the band with the help of the master prankster Lincoln and Pete.I love Alona Tal. Daniella Monet sometimes comes off as whiny. In this, the two girls make a great best friend duo. They're the only good thing in this movie. The band's acting abilities are limited. The movie is pretty weak. It oscillates between silly and stupid. Silly is fine. Stupid is not. Overall, the movie has some charms but that's mostly due to the girls.
Alona Tal and Daniella Monet are a pair of high school girls who want desperately to vault up the popularity scale at their high school. When their favorite boy band comes to town played by the real Click 5 the girls ask at a record signing for them to play a show at their high school. They get turned down and not too nicely by the guys, most especially by lead singer Eric Dill.What to do but with aid of a trusted friend Marcus Paulk they arrange a kidnapping of the guys. After being held in a not terribly confining captivity the guys put on a show at the high school. It accomplishes what the girls set out to do.After that description unless you are a true fan of Click 5 and want to hear them, you'll run from buying this DVD or watching it on television should it be broadcast. The Disney Channel wouldn't have produced something like this.
I recommend this movie. Eric looks really hot in this movie and I miss him. The acting wasn't bad at all. I loved Alona and Eric and the rest of the characters as well. They looked so cute together. They have that spark and chemistry. I was giggling and screaming at the couch with my sisters. XD It's a great movie. Way better than I expected.The plot is kinda shallow but it's really entertaining so it kinda makes up for it. Lots of stupid and really funny scenes. I loved the RMLF part. I'm so gonna buy this DVD and watch it all over again. (X I give it a 10. I kept laughing my ass off the entire movie. Hope you watch it. It's not corny and cheesy at all. (: