Horst in Translation ([email protected])
"Teeth" is a 7-minute animated short film and the most known work by writers and directors Daniel Gray and Tom Brown, their second collaboration in fact and they got a decent share of awards recognition with their work here. We have a narrator telling us about his teeth and what he is doing with them throughout his entire life starting with his birth until up in his sixties. At the very end, the story takes a turn for the weird as he starts pulling animal teeth and compares them to his own human teeth. It was a strange little film, but never strangely captivating. The animation (to some extent subjectively) and story did not really leave a lasting impression for me and I do not agree with the praise this one got from awards bodies. Narrator Richard E. Grant that you may have seen on stuff like "Logan" did a decent job overall though, certainly one of the few better aspects. All in all, I give teeth a thumbs-down though. Not recommended.