What makes it different from others?
Tied for the best movie I have ever seen
The Worst Film Ever
Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Nigel P
Amber Newman plays Paula. "I'm a total exhibitionist," she proclaims.She certainly is a spirited young woman. After a series of striptease acts and sexual adventures, she is violently abused - not entirely unwillingly - and yet seems amused to then become the star of a bizarre hunt across the remote island where she is staying. She is bundled up in plastic whilst the camera stops to linger on the wildlife - and the hunt begins. Heading the ensemble is Lina Romay's variously coloured suedehead Mrs. Radeck. There's Aldo Sambrell's fey Kallmen, Monique Parent's Countess Irina, Alain Petit's Paul Radet and duplicitous Furia (Analia Ivars).This is the first and, I think, the best of Jess Franco's collaborations with One Shot Productions. There are moments when the dialogue is incomprehensible, and the sound quality sometimes suffers. However, there is a good cast here, a fine central performance from Newman in the first of her three roles for Franco. And the story is very tight, lingering sexual scenes notwithstanding.Amidst the titillation and violence, there is even space for some effective moments of humour, chiefly the scene involving characters indulging in a little wine tasting. What the wine actually consists of is not for me to say. And the incidental score - available to buy as 'Exoteric Tender Flesh (Boccato Di Cardinale)' - has rightly been highly praised. An REM-style set (to my ears at least), credited to Franco, Daniel White and Sexy Sadie, this all-prevalent soundtrack is so effective, the production would have a completely different feel without it. There is a dreamy piece of music featuring a female vocal (presumably Sadie) that is reminiscent of the haunting score from 'Virgin Among the Living Dead (1971)', which is sadly not available on the album.
I consider myself a fan of Jess Franco and his trash movies, but nearly every time I see one of them, I just see missed opportunities and plots that don't play out well. This film is, unfortunately, no different. The film certainly had a lot of potential, as Franco has fused the intriguing theme of the classic film 'The Most Dangerous Game' with his usual brand of trashy sleaze, but the plot here gets lost too often, and it takes an eternity for Franco to get round to the main point of the movie. With this being a later Franco film, you might be forgiven for thinking that the director would have got better, but actually I've found that the opposite is true; as this and the terrible 'Killer Barbys' are two of his very worst films. The plot focuses on a stripper and her sleazy boyfriend. The pair is invited to a private island by a rich woman and her lover. However, they soon find that they haven't been invited there for social reasons as they are 'released' on the island so that the wealthy woman and her friends can hunt them down for sport! What attracted me to this film was the front cover and the fact that it was directed by the king of sleaze flicks. You'd think, then, that I'd be pleased that the movie features a plethora of sex scenes and general sleaze; but I'm not. The reason for this is mostly that the sex and sleaze in the film is really boring and most of the time served only in giving me the condition known as 'itchy fast forward finger'. However, my inclination to see everything through to the end ensured that I had to lump it. There was a time when I didn't think girl-on-girl could possibly be boring, but I have since been proved wrong. The only positive I can pluck out the movie really is that the soundtrack is quite catchy, and despite it being silly foreign pop music; actually blends quite well with the sex scenes. I did enjoy the last ten minutes; as that's when the plot finally got going, but it was a case of too little too late and unfortunately, this is a severely lacklustre film. On the whole, I only recommend this film to those who feel they must see all 180+ Franco movies...everyone else should watch Vampyros Lesbos, Faceless or She Killed in Ecstasy instead.
I'm more than slightly embarrassed to admit that I'm a fan of some of Jess Franco's earlier output, but "Tender Flesh" is simply indefensible. No one watches a Franco film for great storytelling, true, but his better movies are likeable despite their flaws, and draw in aficionados of the bizarre with their surreal atmosphere, off-the-wall sets and fashions, and groovy music. "Tender Flesh" has none of these strengths; it's just a tired walk over old ground. Franco's done a version of "The Most Dangerous Game" before ("The Perverse Countess"), also with a naked Lina Romay (who looked great in the buff twenty years ago in "Female Vampire"; not here, though), but this "remake of a remake" has none of the off-kilter, loopy feel of that film. I didn't find it bizarre, shocking, or even entertaining, merely dull. Pick this up if and only if you have an unquenchable desire for Franco, no matter how loudly he scrapes the bottom of the barrel.
When it comes to sexploitation films, nobody serves 'em up like Jess Franco; and this one is no exception. It has an outstanding exotic dancing scene (forget Showgirls), lots of sex of every make and manner, gratuitous nudity, it even has Lina Romay and she still looks pretty hot, some big time S&M, and, for the sportsmen out there, the is even some hunting; albeit it people getting hunted. If you are looking for good acting and great plot, look elsewhere. If you want bare boobs, lotsa girls kissing girls, and maybe a bit of action, then check out this.