Terkel in Trouble

2010 "Experience torture and extremely tight pants!"
7.1| 1h17m| NR| en

6th-grader Terkel begins experiencing a streak of bad luck after sitting on a black spider. His teacher dies and is replaced by the strange Justin. At home, Terkel's Uncle Stewart erupts in sporadic fits of rage, and at school Terkel is bullied by two boys after they learn that fat Doris likes him. On a school camping trip, Terkel begins receiving death threats and must figure out who wants to kill him.


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Det Danske Filminstitut


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SincereFinest disgusting, overrated, pointless
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Sammy-Jo Cervantes There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Allan Meineche The poster boy of this project, Anders Matthesen, is regarded being one of the best (stand-up) comedians and multi-artists in Denmark. So a movie like this would be a bullet proof exercise in Danish animation and humor.However.The style of the movie (animation-wise) is very much linked to the company behind it all."A Film". They have made a couple of animations, both short- and full feature. All of them have this particular style.A great point to make about this movie is, that it displays a very good image of Danish humor among youngsters. It wouldn't surprise me if the rest of the world thinks it sucks big time. Danish humor is very odd. It's not uncommon, that our "hero" is very not like-able.The over all plot is mediocre, but that's OK. Children get's beaten up, drunk people are on a rage and parents are very little aware of what the f*ck their children are doing.All the characters are voiced - in Danish - by Anders Matthesen, and to see him do some of this stuff live, is - to be honest - a little bit scary. But freakin' awesome. It's like he has split personality, and of all the Danish comedians I know of, he is one of those in front, always pushing the envelope and crossing lines in what's funny and what isn't funny.'Terkel i knibe' - is one of those projects, along with the radio shows and live performances. So of course, they had to make a movie about it.It's not the best full feature animation out there, but it certainly is one of the funniest.At least to this Dane.
OXDD_girl Are you kidding!?This film is brilliant and utterly hysterical...Perhaps the English translation is not as witty or black as the Danish original? I was rolling on the floor with laughter when I saw this film over 6 months ago, & I've been searching for the DVD ever since. The 3D FX are not avant garde (similar to any Dreamworks animation), but the cartoon style is particularly unique & takes quite a while to adjust to. The however narrative is where the genius lies. Whilst most Hollywood animated features are fairly insipid & family friendly, this is most certainly an adult film. From Terkel's parents who engage in S&M, to the fat girl who hurls herself out a window & plummets to her splattered death, a violent & alcoholic uncle, and smuggling alcohol to underage kids outside a funeral, & well.. lots of blood, bruises, & urine, the film reaches to a mature audience & actually manages to avoid being overly crass.No indeed, Terkel in Trouble maintains a dry & black sardonic humour without resorting to (too much) immature smut.Despite being an animated feature, the story isn't half bad. The characters are unique & the dialogue is comedy gold. The central character endures so much distress & turmoil that the audience genuinely feels for the little fellow.Possibly the ONLY let down of the whole film is the final twist where Terkel's stalker's motive is a little lame. But by that point I had already laughed myself to tears a hundred times, so who cares?(And if anyone could give me some pointers on that DVD, help me out!!)
WaxBellaAmours Commencing SIFF's "Midnight Adrenaline" program in 2006, "Terkel in Trouble" is Denmark's first CGI feature-length cartoon, and no doubt it's the kind that would make Pixar nervously clench their throat. A film that feels like a cross between a nerve-rackingly suspenseful after-school special and an R-rated Disney musical, it's tale of adolescent angst and suburban paranoia varies loosely between tones of high-energy recklessness, nerve-rattling tension and jocular naughtiness. It's a definite crowd-pleaser for only certain types of crowds.Our teenage protagonist is the hapless Terkel, a gawky almost-teenager with peeled-back red hair and a canyon-wide half-smile (with lips that blithely remain divided at all times to show his lopsided teeth), his face seems etched in a permanent state of bemusement and tremulous vigilance. Being perpetually stalked by two well-dressed, bawdy schoolyard bullies (one, a verminous schoolboy that seems to be a blonde mop-topped Ratzo Rizzo mended into an uber-confident junior-high bad-boy; the other, a portly, none-too-bright sidekick that looks like a "Sopranos" castoff), he always has to keep checking over his shoulder to see when they're going to strike next.Not that home-life provides much solace; inside the walls of his suburban pad, his family unit seems like a Monty Python sketch of mild domestic dysfunction. From a father who literally can only say "No", a mother that's basically a walking chimney as she always seems to be lighting a new cigarette in her mouth, and a sister who haplessly seems prone to endless pratfalls and accidents that continue to escalate into brutal absurdity. Let's not forget to mention the comically drunken, not-so-sane uncle (perpetually donning a sea captain outfit) who spews endless string of wildly inappropriate, booze-tingled comments (many of which I can't repeat here) to those he supposedly means to help.His only pal seems to be Jason, a constantly profane, sullen, rap-obsessed confidant, who always carries an iron pipe in his backpack, because, well, you never know when you might need it in the 'burbs.As Jason continues to grow distant, the schoolyard bullies ratchet up their torment and his family becomes increasingly unsympathetic and remote, Terkel's only chance at personal redemption seems to be through his new homeroom teacher, a joyful, often-crooning embodiment of the sunshine-liberal spirit that offers a much-needed ray of light to Terkel's otherwise unwelcoming world.However, Terkel starts receiving anonymous death threats out of nowhere, something that increases our anti-hero's already tense plight through the dangerous halls of his suburban junior high.And toss in a lot of remarkably upbeat and often very naughty musical numbers (including the most lewdly joyful and potty-mouthed romantic anthem ever captured in a cartoon, a dynamic Danish rap sequence and a nightmarish episode that cleverly riffs on Michael Jackson's "Thriller"), a lollipop-colored visual design with a few ornery sight gags, and plenty of very intense moments of rampant neurosis and paranoia for it's hapless anti-hero, and that gives you "Terkel in Trouble", one that will make you, if all things, glad you're no longer thirteen.Suburban angst tales are hardly innovative territory for storytelling, but this one is an especially inspired and gaudy one: clearly the filmmakers want their audiences to both look in awe and squirm in their seats, overwhelmingly enjoying it and feeling uncomfortable for doing so at the same time, and they often succeed in both. Likely it will seem both odd and oddly familiar for the American viewer, as those weaned on "South Park" and "The Simpsons" will likely be confounded by its joyful idiosyncrasies as well as giddily amused by its array of jokingly miserable characters.The setting of an anonymous western Suburb, populated with cruel, spoiled and unscrupulous beings that remain completely distant to those they view as friends and family but get belligerently compassion when protecting them from harm, forms a central identity that's both cynical and warmly ironic, a mixture American audiences have come to know very well. Yet the style is splashed in a colorful, consistent loopiness, balancing the murky, sordid traits that accompany the film's harsher moments with an often blithely facetious, bright-as-neon smile to many of the issues at hand. In short, it's portrayal of familiar themes could only be told with a distinctly Scandinavian-bad-boy personality.Given, it's balance of bright light and darkness doesn't always succeed, as some scenes that seemingly want us to laugh at events involving teen suicide and child abuse just feel downright sour and snide, even by the standards of the film's often enduringly nasty charm. And the film occasionally gets a little too gruesome for it's own good, including Terkel's sisters increasingly bizarre series of brutal pratfalls, a previously mentioned teen suicide sequence and his uncle's drunken, brutal confrontation with Terkel's unforgiving bullies after Terkel ignites a failed beer bust, to name a few (and you can make sure that Jason's iron pipe doesn't go unused).But with a film that naturally likes to bask in a motley, playful naughtiness, "Terkel in Trouble" is often brazenly splendid. With three directors and voiced completely (with an amusingly tongue-in-cheek and shape shifting poise) by stand-up comedian Anders Matthesson, "Terkel in Trouble" is an achievement, not only for being the landmark CGI-cartoon for it's native Denmark but also melding the idea of a "kids" movie to a straight-forward, non-condescending approach that happily lets them indulge in their joyfully vulgar pleasures rather than forcing them to endure aloof, stilted and often foolish preaching. It's a film for adults to let out the crude inner-child inside all of us, back when we gleefully embraced an immoral spirit rather than condemning it.
McBuff The first Danish 100% computer-animated feature, and it's a deserved hit!From the opening credits, a bullseye parody of Kyle Cooper's classic title sequence from SE7EN, the film hits a note far away from your usual animated fluff, be it from Disney, Pixar or anywhere else, for that matter. If Tim Burton and The Farrelly Brothers directed South Park, it would look something like this. Adapted from Anders Matthesen and Mette Heeno from Matthesen's radio play, it's a paperthin story of sixth-grader Terkel, who receives death threats and has trouble with a couple of bullies at school. But what it lacks in story, it compensates for with inventive CGI animation despite its low budget (more Jimmy Neutron than Finding Nemo), brilliant voice characterizations by Matthesen (who does all the voices), and a sharp, anarchic, non-PC and absolutely hilarious sense of humor. Extra bonus: Pixar-like "outtakes" during end credits.