Wonderful character development!
At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Lucia Ayala
It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Kristain J.
To sum this up in a short explanation ... this movie ... made me want to punch MYSELF in the head ... but in a good way! No Really ... it is not worth the 5 or whichever amount your local blockbuster ... what have you charges so my advice if you want to see it Brag about it to a friend when they spend their money on renting it then see it ...One day I hope to have those images out of my headBut alas ... i must say as far as cheesy horror goes ... this one is gone right out there .... outer space out there Although it seems like they spent a lot of time on the costumes (Can anyone say value Village? I shop there i know what the Halloween section looks like and i must say the Doctor Carnage does resemble the Mascott for VV Coincidence?)But alas i digress i don't want to ruin the hope some still have out there for what this movie may be like and ill leave with a comment/quote"Its a treat for the eyes, not the brain." - The Good Mercutio??
This is, hands down, one of the 20 worst films of all time. I rented this movie on VHS about 3 or 4 years ago. I thought it looked reasonably good, maybe a little corny, but overall alright. I was terribly wrong. This movie has to be one of the worst pieces of crap I have ever seen. If you do somehow come to see this movie, it should either be illegally downloaded, or loaned to you for free from a friend. Be careful, however, before you watch this movie, make sure you have a time machine, so after you see it, you can go back 80 Min's and gain back the time you have wasted on this steaming pile of bull crap. If you have rented this movie from Blockbuster and you spent your hard-earned money on it, admit yourself to an insane asylum. If have not, keep a fair distance between you and this film. Consider yourself warned.
WOw, this movie sucks. I rented it knowing it was gonna suck but I had no idea it would be this bad... From the opening scene, you know this is gonna suck. The opening scene is fake, funny, stupid, horrible all at the same time. I find it funny how horrible this film is, yet it is very entertaining. The gore is alright, not all of it looks as fake as it does in the first scene, some of it looks okay. Most of the special effects are bad, but not all of it. Some very fake CGI in here, and the Terror Toons don't look like cartoons. The kills are okay, some of them funny, some of them just...bad. I still find it entertaining, I really enjoy this movie. Must see for any fans of really, really BAD movies!
This movie is horrible. Not only is it not worth your time to sit and watch it, it is torture to watch. My brother was watching it and I happened to be in the same room while he was watching it and there is one word I would use to describe this movie: TRASH! The acting is terrible, the script is crap, the special effects are non existent. This is not even a movie, it's a waste of a tape, it's a sad excuse for something to be considered a so called movie. Do yourself a favor and DO NOT WATCH THIS, IT'S NOT WORTH IT! The only way I would suggest watching this is if you would like to torture yourself, if you would like to torture yourself then by all means watch this movie. I don't even think anyone who was high could appreciate this movie, in fact I think this movie might drive people to get high. Well anyway if your looking for a good movie to rent at the video store rent anything other than this, believe me you'll be sorry if you rent this.