Terror Tract

2000 "Horror has a new home."
6| 1h36m| R| en

A real estate agent terrifies a couple with the grim fates of the previous owners of a house they're looking at.


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Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
PlatinumRead Just so...so bad
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
pcsarkar After seeing several vapid horror anthologies over the past week, I came across this, on a sleepy, Sunday afternoon. Even after a heavy lunch, this film prevented me from dozing or falling asleep. And the credit goes to this film and this film alone. Hampered by a rather silly, ambiguous title, I was not expecting much, but I found this film to be a riot of laughs, horror and suspense, combined with a very nifty wrap-up yarn. The actors and actresses rock for their performances, and there is never a moment of slack or dullness. Each story follows the other in rapid succession, and Ritter puts in a marvelous performance, from the beginning till the end. Another actor who appealed to me was Bryan Cranston, who played the role of a much-maligned Dad with aplomb. I am not sure whether the monkey was an actual animal or CGI, but whatever it was, it was scary.A neat package, fit for aficionados of the genre.
Vineagle In one word, this movie is DISGUSTING ! The stories are everything except original, they're stupid and they're not creepy. This isn't horror ! You can forecast the whole movie. And the actors are from the poor streets. DISGUSTING ! (no horror)
glamrock78 All right, I'm going to cut to the chase, the movie's crap, conventionally speaking; it's B-grade, which is probably why I caught it playing on Showtime at 3:30 am. It's cheaply done, the acting is terrible (although I think John Ritter's unselfconscious portrayal of a desperate real estate agent is great -- you gotta hand it to the man, he's not ashamed to throw himself into some of the stupidest parts in some of the worst films), it's not even SCARY.So don't watch it trying to get scared. Watch it for its enormous camp value and humor potential. During the "Bobo" vignette, I nearly wet myself, I was laughing so hard. I think the filmmakers/writers had to've known that some of their stories/lines were just too silly to be taken seriously. That's what makes truly GREAT horror -- some scary moments (all right, the Granny Killer vignette freaked me out a bit), but a lot of moments where the movie points to its own ludicrousness and can have a chuckle at its own expense.This is why I like B-grade horror better than slick, stylish horror full of dark symbolism and erudite references -- you get lots of envelope-pushing gore, sex, cheap thrills, and some laughs. To use a stale old phrase, now THAT'S entertainment!Invite a bunch of friends over and watch it together, while making running commentary, MST3K style. I plan to see it again!
the_last_shadow_2000 my friend was looking in the movie place one day and stumbled upon this film and thought it would be good and scary... so he bought it. While watching this movie, i realized that the actors in this film were excellent. Also, the film wasn't very scary but definetly entertaining. I give this movie a ******* out of ********** !!!