
2012 "Rotting from the inside out"
4.6| 1h40m| en

Bruised from a night of rough sex, a young woman is shocked to find that her body, rather than healing itself, has inexplicably begun to rot. Swept up in the strange sensual experiences brought on by her slowly decaying form, she tries desperately to cling to her new existence — even as the putrid meat sack that was once her young body begins to literally fall off her bones...


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Also starring Émile Beaudry

Also starring Karine Picard


Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
bowmanblue The marketing would have you believe that 'Thanatomorphose' somehow resembled a David Cronenberg movie, based on how it's a 'horror' film about the human body (and the disgusting ways it can be mutilated). However, that is where the similarity ends. Cronenberg's films also had a story and engaging characters. This has neither.The two main characters spend so much time wandering round their apartment naked, you may be forgiven for thinking they're nudists. In fact... it gets a bit annoying in the end as there's clearly no reason for it all the time (like cleaning the flat in the nude etc). The story is about a woman whose body starts to slowly decay. Here's where the good make-up comes in, as it is pretty disgusting (about the film's only plus point). You may feel some sympathy for her if she was a bit more sensible. I imagine that if such a horrifying affliction descended on any one of us, the first thing we'd do is seek medical attention. She doesn't. Even when a friend comes calling and sees she's clearly unwell, she refuses to go to the hospital with him. Therefore we start to lose sympathy for her plight if she's clearly that stupid. Her boyfriend is not so daft - merely horrible. He's violent and a user - hardly hero material.If you're looking for various gross scenes, you'll find them here. However, if you want talking, decent characters and a story, move along...
Flow First, I saw "Contracted". Loved that one, was drawn into it little by little, wanting to see more, to see where it is heading and the destination left me speechless.Afterwards, hearing that it might have been copied from one called "Thanatomorphose", which, was supposed to be even better, I was as happy as a horror fan can be. So thank you people for getting my hopes high! I'll be forever grateful to you! NOT!The movie is bad, it is just one bad movie. The plot as thin as it can get, the character depth is pretty much 0, dialogue missing, the actions, or lack of actions, amazing, overall, how can anyone say that this, is better than Contracted?!?I am truly amazed! Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge horror fan, since ever, seen hundreds of them and always crave for more, but not this, not this at all. And to be put in the horror section? Really? Why? Cause of the graphic content? It's somewhere between gore and torture porn. Seriously!Listen, and listen carefully: watch Contracted, chances are that you might really like that one, be pleasantly surprised and so on. This one right here, is slow, boring and heads to a direction with a wall at the end. Bad!
movieman89-2 How I first heard about this movie was on Facebook, from one of the many horror movie pages I like since I'm a huge horror fan. They advertised it and what caught me first of all was the cover. It reminds me so much of Death Metal album cover (which I'm also a fan of). But at the same time it shocked me in a way and I felt I had to find out more about it. I then read the plot and I have to say it captivated me because I've never heard of something like this in a horror film before. So I then bought it on DVD from Amazon. I have just finished watching it and I have to say it was possibly one of the most effective films I have ever watched.The story really works and the character development was very simple but good. One thing I would like to know is the character's names. I'm not sure why they weren't namedThe acting was really good especially from Kayden Rose. The cinematography was great. Slightly out of focus at times but not enough to annoy. One of the best things I thought was the lighting.It really showed the bleakness of the scenes brilliantly and added a lot of subtly when showing Kaydon's character at her worst through her decay. It felt like the director was saying "you don't need to see the disgusting image all the time, but I would like you to imagine it" which made it just as effective.The makeup was absolutely outstanding. I cannot believe how realistic it looks. Devil horns go up to the makeup artists. So overall it was a good movie but I don't think I could watch it for a while. It was very uncomfortable to watch at times. The most disturbing scene was the end. I'm not going to spoil it anymore.So horror fans, if you want to see it please do. But I warn not to eat before and during the film. Also it doesn't show a spec of happiness throughout, which is why I thought it was very bleak.Mr Eric Falardeau, for your first major film, you did a great job. I hope to see you make more films in the future. You rock dude.
atinder Thanatomorphose (2012)This movie is very slow, it's build tension for about hour, if we have two main cast, who walk around naked most of time in the movie, A lot of nudity in this movie. I have a lot sex but story is actually good, basically this girl he having as much sex as she can because she is rotting to death. After the very slow start of the movie, later part of the movie, were thing get very odd and weird .As girl is actually really rotting away and we see maggots feeding on her on rotting body while she is still alive.The last scene of the movie was really good, outstanding effects, I love when movies do these effect, there work really well. Really good movie 7 out of 10

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