That Man Bolt

1973 "Got a super-hot delivery? Big, bad and beautiful - man's got it all!"
5.8| 1h43m| R| en

Fred Williamson chop-sockeys his way through this popular blaxploitation adventure as Jefferson Bolt, a Kung Fu expert assigned to deliver a cool $1 million to Mexico City from Hong Kong with a stop in Los Angeles. When Bolt discovers the cash is dirty mob money and his gal has been killed, he heads back to the Far East to get even.


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Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Ortiz Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Scott LeBrun Fred "The Hammer" Williamson displays plenty of charisma in this goofy but fun globe trotting adventure. The Hammer plays Jefferson Bolt, a hotshot international courier. He's hired by a mysterious British man (Byron Webster) to transport a suitcase full of money from Hong Kong to Mexico City by way of Los Angeles. As fate would have it, a fair amount of the criminal element are eager to get their hands on this booty. Bolt takes on all comers, and blows up lots of stuff real good, and naturally also finds time to make sweet, sweet love to the ladies."That Man Bolt" suffers from a convoluted plot, by Charles Eric Johnson and Ranald MacDougall, which may have viewers scratching their heads. But if one can go with the flow, they'll find that this escapist fare kills time agreeably enough. It's an offbeat mixture of blaxploitation, comedy, international intrigue, and martial arts. The filmmakers are wise never to take things too seriously, which does help a great deal. Even when Bolts' lovely lady friend, singer Samantha Nightingale (Teresa Graves, who gets to belt out two numbers), is written out of the action, he seems to get over it without too much problem. The action is competently executed, and the violence won't be too graphic for some in the audience. (You gotta love it when a hood attempts to gun down Bolt and gets a mirror shard in the neck for his troubles.) Accompanying the various goings-on is a wonderfully lively score composed by the great Charles Bernstein.The Hammer is just as cool as can be, and is well supported by Graves, Webster, Masatoshi Nakamura as a slimy villain, and Jack Ging as Bolts' Las Vegas buddy, a casino owner.If you're a Hammer fan, you'll be pleased, even if overall the movie is not one of his best.Seven out of 10.
Woodyanders Ace martial artist, international professional courier, and all-around cool dude Jefferson Bolt (smoothly played by the always dependable Fred Williamson) is assigned to transport a suitcase full of a million bucks from Hong Kong to Mexico City via Los Angeles. However, Bolt gets set up by a vicious crime syndicate that grossly underestimates him and incurs his formidable wrath. Directors Henry Levin and David Lowell Rich, working from a lively and eventful, if overly convoluted script by Quentin Werty and Charles Johnson, relate the entertaining story at a brisk pace, stage the thrilling action set pieces with aplomb (a lengthy car chase rates as a definite exciting highlight), and further spruce things up with nice touches of amusing wry humor. Of course, Fred's trademark cool, assured, and charismatic persona holds everything together as he braves perils aplenty, seduces a few ladies, busts out loads of fancy chopsocky moves, suffers a little acupuncture torture, and breaks into a remote island fortress. While Williamson clearly dominates the proceedings, he nonetheless receives sound support from Bryan Webster as pompous and slippery British agent Griffiths, Teresa Graves as foxy lounge singer Samantha Nightingale, Jack Ging as amiable casino owner Connie Mellis, Miko Mayama as seductive socialite Dominique Kuan, John Orchard as slimy limey lackey Carter, Paul Mantee as glowering thug Mickey, and Ken Kazama as lethal karate fighter Spider. The ubiquitous Patrick Wright has a quick bit as a security guard who gets knocked out by Fred. Gerald Perry Finnerman's slick cinematography and the exotic globe-trotting locations provide an impressive sense of scope. Charles Bernstein's funky and spirited score hits the get-down funky spot. Worth a watch for fans of the Hammer.
Trevor Douglas I recently purchased the wide screen DVD of this film, having an old VHS television print from long ago. The film has the always super cool Fred Williamson doing what he does best. Keye Luke supplies the voice of Kumada. Keye Luke also supplied the voice for both Hahn and several other characters in Enter The Dragon. An enjoyable slice of 70's action with interesting camera angles a good location work. It's shame to see the always stalwart Paul Mantee wasted yet again in a nothing role as Jack Ging's Henchman. That aside, the rest of the cast does well. John Orchard and Byron Webster seem to be enjoying themselves and have ample screen time over the one hundred plus minutes.
raysond In the age of the 1970's,Fred Williamson was the undisputed king of the black cimema,and one of the top action stars of his day,right beside icons as Burt Reynolds,Clint Eastwood,Charles Bronson,James Coburn,Richard Roundtree,Jim Brown,Jim Kelly,Telly Savalas and Steve McQueen. In the 1970's,per se you had the typical action picture that featured a smooth,tough talking,good-looking African-American male who can hold his own against all odds and still gets the girl or a bunch of them at the same time.Even if the plot was offkey,WE as brothers and sisters would line up around the theatre to see it and we knew the if it was a black feature with a black actor in the leading role,it was a good one and it brought in the business too...and this was back in the day!!!!In the film "That Man Bolt"(Universal,1973),Fred Williamson displays such a character that suppose to be among the ranks of James Bond,Derek Flint,and not mention John Shaft. Williamson plays secret agent Jefferson Bolt who goes to Hong Kong to stop an international ring of thugs bent on destruction and when things go dismal,Bolt handles things his way and saves the world,with soulpower!!! The picture is good with great photography locational shoots in Hong Kong,but the picture does get a little weak and between the lines with some of the lamest dialogue ever conceived. As far as the fight scenes,and the action part of it as well,it does look like a similiar detail to the Jackie Chan-Chris Tucker fare "Rush Hour",but it is not one of Fred Williamson's best,but it is passable. However,Williamson would go on to make several more action flicks in the 1970's and some of them are very good including "Black Caesar","Hell Up In Harlem", "Bucktown","Three The Hard Way","Black Cobra","The Soul Of Charley","The Revenge of Charley",and the one action flick that started it all..."Hammer". He also had a good looking female lead too,who also made a name for herself as one of the top female action hero of her day,Miss Foxy Brown herself,the legendary Pam Grier,who was not in "Bolt",but starred in several films with Fred Williamson."That Man Bolt" is available on DVD and Video.