Kattiera Nana
I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
THE THING CALLED TADHANA" is a story about heartbreak and for positive-minded moviegoers, it is also a story about second chances in love. The story started in Rome, at the airport where we meet the two main character Mace (played by the talented Angela Panganiban) and Anthony (played by the charming JM De Guzman). Mace was trying to unload some of her excess baggage to accommodate her baggage allowance for the flight. This metaphor of excess baggage sets the tone of the movie as Anthony cockily volunteered himself to carry some of Mace's baggage. This gesture and a plane ride together from Italy to Manila gave the two characters a chance to start an unusual connection. There were no romantic sparks flying just yet especially from the obviously distraught Mace who slowly revealed her being jilted by her lover in Rome. The connection was more born out of irritation from Mace of Anthony's constant imposition in her depressing state. You have to wonder though what was Anthony real motive for helping Mace. Does he have a knight-and-shining-armor complex? He just loves being the savior to emotionally unstable women. Or he was superficially attracted to Mace upon seeing her at the airport? From what I know of men (sorry for the stereotype, boys), they would most likely give you attention or offer help if you are slightly bit (or more so) attractive. Same goes to initiating friendship with women. Upon deplaning, maybe out of loneliness, boredom or interest ( in Anthony's part), they manage to set a trip from Manila to Baguio to Sagada. The movie reminds me a lot of the movie Before Sunrise.more of my review at www.littlemisshoney.com
Im really amazed how Filipino people admire and cherish this movie. Its terrible and disappointing. Spoiler alert:Its full of bitch dialogs from the pig looking angelica panganiban. She always say F word and do things like a slut does. Its so scary people of the Philippines see this as a masterpiece. I left the cinema on the part where her cursing is so crispy said. I felt disgust through my body. This is their model image? If you want to contribute to the society ABSCBN is working out, watch this. 1/10. Filipino should be kind person not US based slut cursing everywhere anytime. Such a disgrace.
Catie Chan
JM De Guzman, where have you been all this time??? There are actors who give theatrical performances and then there are the REALLY good actors who are able to give natural, believable, relate-able and subtle performances that come across the screen better than the most literal dialogue. JM De Guzman has very expressive eyes. You can see the meaning behind his words through the twinkle in his eyes. Yes, you can quote me on that.I admit I rarely watch Filipino movies but this one had me laughing and crying so hard. Very well-written screenplay and the characters are very lovable and relate-able. There are a lot of tongue-in-cheek references to JohnLloyd-isms which make Angelica's dialogues all the more funnier (because as of this writing, as far as I know, Angelica and John Lloyd are still together). I can imagine Angelica and JM reading the scripts for the first time and laughing "I HAVE to do this movie!". Because the script/screenplay is THAT good.Even though this film is pretty much a more down-to-earth adaptation of the Korean "My Sassy Girl",--hey, come on, beautiful heartbroken girl meets this plain-looking guy who is willing to go with her mood swings and road trip whims--- I like that there are still a lot of culturally unique themes that makes this truly Pinoy.The only thing missing from this movie is a really good musical score or even an OST more substantial (or LSS-friendly) than "Where do broken hearts go" or "Tadhana" which you only really hear through an incoming call ringtone.And having been a Baguio resident for many years, I loved that they showcased several spots in Baguio (and also Sagada) which made me miss that place all the more.
First time I saw the trailer of this movie, I figured it was a different kind of rom com. As it got its nationwide release, both critics and Facebook friends were raving and posting the lines from the movie. To not watch it means to be left out in the discussion, so we decided to watch it one afternoon. I have to narrate that because I was underwhelmed with the movie. Perhaps because I read too much reviews and saw too many clips before I went to see it. Almost every line was familiar already so there was no more surprise in my part. I still admire this work because you genuinely care about the two leads after getting to know them in the first half of the movie. The conversation that they shared were never boring although you kind of feel fed up with her by the time they arrive in Sagada. JM de Guzman was the perfect listening buddy ,with his own demons, but contented on hearing everything Angelica had to say. I am glad this movie was appreciated by so many people, proving you only need a good script to keep the audience listening. The ending though might leave you wanting more.