The Adventures of the American Rabbit

1986 "Music, fun and excitement with the reluctant Super-Hero and his friends."
5.3| 1h25m| G| en

To fight evil, a young rabbit can transform into a star spangled superhero.


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GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
loraleejessome This was a reminder how most 80's cartoons that weren't by Disney or Don Bluth were just hilariously awful. A lot of things don't get resolved in this movie. Why do we never see or hear from Rob's parents after he leaves? Why didn't Rob turn into the American Rabbit so he could save Panda-Monium when he had the chance? Do the protagonists ever rebuild Panda-Monium? What happened to the Jackals? Why does the Statue of Liberty look human in a world full of talking animals? Maybe it's the Animal-pocalypse, I don't know. Rob Rabbit is a real wimpy character which is understandable because he's basically Clark Kent in rabbit form, but he's just as pathetic as a superhero. There's racism (species-ism?)in the movie in the movie as well because although it's said several times that not all jackals are bad, we never see any good ones at all. I guess 5-year-old kids might enjoy seeing Rob's flashy transformations into the American Rabbit. But then again this movie must have been written by 5-year-old kids.
ravsten428 At its finest people! This movie should be used in the classroom as an educational tool about how America tries to fool us. This film was made to promote extreme patriotism.This movie is an assault on how we view other countries government systems. Yes communism isn't viewed as good in America but other countries are allowed to use their own systems as long as they don't bother us. We don't need to run the whole world!This short little cartoon actually reminds me of how McCarthy thought. Anyone who was even remotely against American politics but not America itself, was called out as a communist. I would hope that this kind of garbage wouldn't be pumped out today, especially in a kids cartoon. Shame on whoever came up with this garbage!
jdennist THE ADVENTURES OF THE American RABBIT is so incredibly un-noteworthy I'm vaguely obsessed with it. The idea that something this insubstantial could get a theatrical release is a bit amazing--but then again, I've seen THE OOGIELOVES. In a theater.What can you really say about a film like this? The plot is so thin that the same things happen two or three times just to fill up the space--and a lot of what goes down is completely irrelevant. This could have been a one-hour TV special, no problem. There's nothing really approaching substance here. Is there anything to recommend it? Curiosity, I guess. It's well- intentioned (more or less). The villain is kind of cool-looking. It's weird and illogical enough as a whole to be worth laughing at. It's a film called THE ADVENTURES OF THE American RABBIT and it actually got shown in theaters. You can watch it on Netflix, on YouTube, or do your best to imagine it based on the bare plot summary. If you were stuck watching this, it would be preferable to chewing off your own leg. It would even be preferable to being knocked unconscious. But...yeah.
adam1117 No one watching this film casually is going to find anything political about this movie. They'll just see it as a fun little superhero cartoon. But, after reading some reviews here, I decided to watch it again. I didn't see anything that would suggest putting the National Anthem into a cartoon, as one review suggested, or anything all that patriotic, for that matter. Surprisingly, this isn't anti-Marxist at all. If anything, it's pro-Marxist.There's an early scene in which the characters organize a rally against the bad guys, and the scene, in a not-so-subtle way, suggests unionizing workers. The bad guys, led by a dude in a business suit, take over the city's supply of chocolate (controlling the means of production and what have you). I thought my idea that the shoe was Marxist was falling apart when one of the good guys said "I know people who can help us. Big, corporation guys!" Then, however, it turned out that the corporations were working for the bad guys!My favorite Marxist moment comes early on, when the bad guys ask an "intellectual" for directions to the library. Her reply: "Turn left on McCarthy." It's a bit of a stretch, I know, but it's fun, and may even be intentional.Of course, non-Marxists should still enjoy this movie, and there's no danger that it's going to make your kids into commies. While I for one found it to be, well, more pro-marxist than anti-marxist, it still isn't a political movie at all. An unfortunately overlooked picture. Not a masterpiece, but a fun movie for kids.