The Belgrade Phantom

6.7| 1h22m| en

Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1979; a mysterious "Phantom" occupies the attention and hearts of Belgrade. Every night, he exhibits spectacular driving maneuvers using a stolen white Porsche car through the city streets.


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Diagonaldi Very well executed
AboveDeepBuggy Some things I liked some I did not.
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
ifasmilecanhelp This story, as I guess, is unknown to a non Balkans inhabitant, as I am, Swiss born... In fact I stumbled upon the attractive title, and after reading the comments, decided to give it a chance... How glad ! It was a very pleasant and nice surprise... A story without any violence, no explosion, no cgi, and dated from 2008 ! Incredible, for what is supposed to be an Action/Crime/Drama movie :-) But it works perfectly... The right touch ! Even though there is a Porsche car involved... almost the central focusing point of the movie, the stunts are very few... In fact there are almost inexistent in The Belgrade Phantom, but nevertheless the subtle tension all along the movie, pictured like a kind of documentary holds the long run. If you only need strong adrenaline all along a movie to appreciate one and stunts that are possible only in movies, fights, blood and bones, better avoid this excellent one ! I expected it to be an imaginative story and it turns out it was based on a real event and on a real "Phantom" named Vlada Vasiljevic. The acting, if not absolutely memorable, is strong enough from all the actors and the interviews were carefully chosen to keep up the rather slow pace of the movie, and even more believable to make an excellent movie. Imho, the concern of the director was more to focus on the mystery side, than on the stunts, and for me, it worked perfectly. The thief/driver doesn't have a single line in the hole movie... but again it works ! In fact, this is another incredible thing... Being able to make a suspense/mystery movie where the tension doesn't rely on the fear and sudden (hit/blow... anything) effect, but on the "whole stuff itself"... I have some difficulty to precise my thoughts in English... but I hope you'll get the point ! Forgot also to mention this movie reminds me another "road movie" I like very much : Vanishing Point (1971) much more on the adrenaline side... I found The Belgrade Phantom very human, and only in the good way of the meaning "human". The rebel here, is very gentle, very kind ! Why not ? Everything is a question of spirit ! Last thing, obviously felt sorry (of course it was predictable) that the guy died at the end... That was the effective End...*** a film is never really good unless the camera is an eyes in the head of a poet Orson Welles ***
Beolex This movie is outstanding. The dark streets, the music, and the old buildings really give you the feeling like you are in the old Socialist Yugoslavia. It's really a blast from the past. The storyline is gripping, and fun to watch. There is not one spot in the movie that is boring. There were some flaws, like newer cars visible, modern apparel, modern buildings, but man... this movie really shows you how life was back in SFRY Yugoslavia! 10/10, I hope the same director makes plenty more movies. He definitely has the right image in his head, and hopefully he can make more movies taking place during the 1970's and 1980's of Yugoslavia. Really great movie, that's all I can say.
mila271 I expected much more from this movie...Yet I was disappointed in many ways...Urban legend of "Beogradski phantom" (Belgrade phantom) is used, and since I was teenager in late 70's I am recalling exactly that times. First, IMHO, there are lot of miscast in this movie. Characters are played without enough passion. Leading role (Phantom himself) is played emotionless - without face expression, without stress or anger or joy. What will feel the driver when is chased by dozen of police cars? Will he remain silent, expressionless and dumb? I doubt so! Also, chief of police is played not good enough - like he is some fruit-seller on the market. All chase-scenes were shot in the dark, pretending we see Belgrade in 1979! But still we can see street signs, exchange-office sign from modern times! Also, Phantom wears bad copy, clearly visible, of "ADIDAS" sport-shoes, with 4 stripes ! That was such mistake! Real ADIDAS is with 3 stripes, and in late 70's there were easy to buy original Adidas shoes in every shoe-shop! That was big mistake. Well, I really like beginning of the movie, with scenes taken from real documentaries, but lately, everything went sloppy. I gave 2/10 just because I like scenes taken from documentaries.
dusan-22 Great and unique movie. Even better if you know the background. To understand the "term" phantom in movie context you got to understand the real events that this film is depicting: I was only eight years old when phantom was chased by whole Belgrade police in Porsche he stole. I lived in one of the downtown streets of Belgrade where the Phantom was making fun of police in the famous chases, but I had never heard of him until the 80's (and be aware of the fact that kids know everything). For a good reason, since this sort of vigilante wasn't popular in such regime. It was Tito's regime of tyranny and fear when it comes to freedom of speech or even loud thinking. Police was right hand of such regime and strangler of every free thought. In order to give the clear message to the people, police was brutal and often judge and jury. You could be beaten and locked for giving a wrong look to the police officer in the street, without real chance to complain thereafter. In such country, police had no enemies, and police itself could be everybody's enemy if the one was not cautious. In such country, there was no crime. If any, SA police was always successful in getting criminals to justice and always very quick. This is why nobody wanted to take their chances against Tito's Praetorians. Nobody except Belgrade Phantom. We can only guess why this guy stole that Porsche and mocked whole almighty police of Belgrade for ten days in the heart of the communistic police state. Was he the guy who worshiped Ryan O'Neal as a "Driver"? Or a guy who just wanted to see how good car Porsche really is? We don't know that for sure but tend to doubt these. I think that the previous are cases when the event character wants to appropriate thing he has stolen or use for the reasons of material or other personal benefit, and Porsche at that time would certainly be good for that. However he definitely didn't steel the Porsche to make profit out of it. So, we know that he use it to baffle the police. Did he do that for personal reasons? Like only because he could? Many people today believe that he used it as a tool of his resistance that encapsulated suppressed reluctance to repression of every free minded citizen in that time Belgrade. That includes not only the ordinary eye witnesses that gathered in downtown to hail him every night, but many among police officers. In the country of poltroons and silent listeners in all social structures including army, media and diplomacy, he used the only skill he had to shake the system: driving. Even if his motives were completely different, Belgrade citizens of that time identified with him exactly for that reason and this is what we today love to believe. The movie tries to bring you the recreation of the event without casual manipulating in leading to final conclusion. That is performed by pretty unique combination of documentary cinema verite and feature film, almost perfectly. Downside is bad acting of minor roles. Also, casting could be better especially when it comes to leading role. All in all big 9 and must see, if you ask me!