The Benchwarmers

2006 "Get off the bench and get into the game."
5.5| 1h25m| PG-13| en

A trio of guys try and make up for missed opportunities in childhood by forming a three-player baseball team to compete against standard little league squads.


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Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
Iseerphia All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
areatw It always amazes (and amuses) me when I read negative reviews of comedies like this one, describing them as 'stupid', 'silly' and so on. I can't believe anybody would watch a movie like this thinking they would get anything other than a ridiculous and intentionally dumb comedy. 'The Benchwarmers' knows what it wants to be and never tries to be anything else.This is one of those love/hate comedy films that some people with find hilarious and other will roll their eyes and switch off 20 minutes in. It will appeal mostly to those who enjoyed the likes of 'Napoleon Dynamite', and Jon Heder is once again hilarious in this film playing a character similar to Napoleon. I can understand why 'The Benchwarmers' isn't everyone's cup of tea, but anybody who enjoys light-hearted, harmless silly comedy will love this movie.
Filip Melich I have to admit that comedies starring Rob Schneider, Adam Sandler, Nick Swardson and/or all the others from this group of "actors" are my guilty pleasure. They're usually so bad I can help myself but enjoy them. The Benchwarmers isn't an exception. These movies usually have a great starting idea (fighting bullies in this case), some good or great jokes and a lot of bad ones and terrible acting. The Benchwarmers adds a few pretty ladies, geek stuff and cool movie cars. Even though I rate these movies around 6/10, this one doesn't deserve more than 5/10 in my opinion. Acting performances are really bad and some of the jokes were a bit more annoying than usual. So there you have it - I like this kind of movies, but Benchwarmers are barely average. Too bad, it could have been much better with just a few small tweaks.
powermandan The Benchwarmers does not star Adam Sandler, but it is a Happy Madison creation starring some of Sandler's best friends. His other best friends were off doing his other creation entitled "Grandma's Boy" which as much better than this. This was back in the days when Sandler films were actually good and funny. This is not great, but it has good morals and truly funny moments. The Benchwarmers is about the bullying misadventures of three geeky friends: landscaper Gus Matthews (Rob Schneider); video clerk Richie Goodman (David Spade); and paper boy Clark Reede (Jon Heder). All have been subjected to bullying their whole lives and want it all to stop. When the guys witness a group of little league kids harass a nerdy rich boy, it reaffirms Gus' gift for baseball and gives Clark and Richie confidence. The guys meet the kid's billionaire father, Mel (Jon Lovitz), who has an idea to start a baseball tournament with them playing against the little leaguers. Just as the guys are blossoming and doing well in the tournament, a secret about one of them is revealed that changes everybody's perspective of the issue.Yes, there are flaws. Yes, most of them are forgivable. Mel says to start a round-robin tournament, but it is just regular one-game elimination: completely different from round- robin. Then there's the scene when they meet Mel: it makes no sense. Then there's Schneider's wife being played by Molly Sims: its always odd seeing a a hot chick that's taller than her ugly husband.Then there are flaws that are unforgivable (two to be exact). The first deals with the status of bullies and the victims. The Benchwarmers themselves--the geeks--have dead-end jobs that's just sad to see 40-year-olds do. Then the guys that bullied them when they were younger, (and still do) are successful business men and own their own stores. This is a very wrong message to send to people--if you bully, you will become a success. That's so wrong! A terrible message! If anything, it is the other way around!The other flaw is the reveal that I mentioned that changes the fate. It turns out that Gus was the biggest bully in his town at the time who picked on everybody hardcore. He picked so hard on one kid who was a midget so badly that he had to be put in a mental institution. Gus feels tremendous guilt and does not want to have kids because he is afraid of karma. When the story breaks, he gets kicked out of the team and everybody betrays him. I've always hated that aspect. Gus says on TV how bad bullying is. And it is very evident how much he's changed. He's such a great person now. He's not the same person he once was! His eyes are filled up with tears as he tries to hold back his cry of guilt after his friends find out about it. Does that not say something!? It leads to some good talk about bullies and everything, but they could have had that talk if the before part was changed!Luckily, the comedy makes up for this. Then there's how well the characters were written.
sundog-jr The Benchwarmers could have been so much better. Probably not good, but much better than it was. First of all, if you're going to watch this, you have to force yourself through the first thirty minutes or so, because it's all about young teens and pre-teens being bullied relentlessly and it's painful to watch at times. Their cruelty is played for humor, and a lot of the time it's not even remotely funny, but appalling and offensive. If you've ever been bullied, which is everyone at some point in time in your childhood, it especially offends you. But, after the thirty minutes of hell, it actually gets better. not much, but better enough to the point where you can actually watch it without cringing. Sadly, this is the best part of the movie. The bullies get their just desserts in the end (how shocking) and it's fun to see them pay, almost comical at times, but once it gets to the end, everything turns completely sappy. The bullies are smiling and pitching balls to the kids they bullied and purposely letting them win, and everyone's happy, and they all go out for pizza (speaking of which, this entire movie is really just a giant advertisement for Pizza Hut) but it feels so preachy and forces niceness upon you that is totally unwanted. the humor is totally crass and crude throughout, so why stop and turn it into a happy little cheese fest at the end?? If you're gonna go the crude route, go all out. that's what made certain movies like Step Brothers and Pineapple Express watchable for me, the humor was awful, but at least it was consistent. overall, The Benchwarmers leaves you with a weird taste in your mouth. Actually, my first thought after the movie was, "What the hell just happened..."