The Big Bad Wolf

1934 "Red Riding Hood travels to visit her sick grandmother."
6.9| 0h9m| NR| en

The Big Bad Wolf torments Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs.


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Walt Disney Productions


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Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Horst in Translation ( "The Big Bad Wolf" is Disney's sequel to the Academy Award winning short film "Three Little Pigs" from one years earlier. Feel free to check out my review for that one as well. Anyway, this one here did not manage to repeat that honor and this does not come as a surprise to me. I felt that "The Big Bad Wolf" does not have exactly much wit, creativity or great humour like the previous one. The 2 careless pigs are in the forest and this time they do not only get themselves in danger, but also little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother. Third pig to the rescue in the end. They made this a good watch for children by not including graphic violence really. For example, the Granny does not get eaten in this one by the wolf, but hides in the closet. All in all, these 9 minutes were only an acceptable movie for 1934. It hasn't aged as well as many other cartoons from around that era. Not recommended. The story was just too weak. Quite a pity with the voice cast being almost exclusively names we consider legends today in terms of voice acting from 80 years ago. Funny snippet to end the review: The two useless pigs were both voiced by females.
utgard14 Sequel to Disney's Academy Award-winning Three Little Pigs short. The story this time brings Little Red Riding Hood into the mix as two of the three pigs escort her to her grandma's house. They ignore the third pig's warnings about avoiding the woods and run into you-know-who along the way. Of course, things get crazy. The animation is vibrant with gorgeous colors and nicely-drawn characters and backgrounds. The voice work is great. The music is cheerful and upbeat. The famous song from the first cartoon, "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?," is also included in this one. It's a good cartoon but not as much fun as the Three Little Pigs. The wolf in drag as Goldilocks the Fairy Queen is certainly a sight to see.
Michael_Elliott The Big Bad Wolf (1934) *** 1/2 (out of 4) Sequel to THREE LITTLE PIGS isn't quite as good but this is certainly still a charmer. The hard working pig is building a bigger brick house while the two lazier ones just play around. Little Red Riding Hood stops by to ask for directions and she decides to take the short cut through the woods even though she was warned. We all know what happens next. This is certainly a charming little gem from Disney who certainly knew how to handle these subjects without any problem. I thought the way the two stories were combined were quite clever and this was especially true during the introduction scene where we see that the two lazy pigs didn't learn their lesson. The animation is certainly some of the best that you're going to see from this period and I will also add that popcorn has never had a better impact in any film than it does right here.
Robert Reynolds This is a color cartoon in the Silly Symphonies series done by Disney studio. There will be mild spoilers ahead:This short is a loose sequel of sorts to the extraordinarily popular cartoon, The Three Little Pigs. The song, "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf" is reprised twice in this short and the pigs and the wolf return as characters.The short also includes Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma as characters, which is interesting, because it's a ready made plot which would be immediately familiar to the audience. The short begins with Red coming up on the brick house the pigs now share. Two pigs are dancing and playing while the other is at work laying bricks. The two playing pigs suggest Red take a shortcut through the woods, which their wiser brother advises against, because the wolf lurks there. Foolishness prevails and Red and the two pigs go off to Grandma's house.The wolf, wearing an obvious disguise, nonetheless fools them because, in truth, the pigs and Red are morons. It's surprising that they haven't been turned into pork byproducts long since. Once it becomes clear that it's the wolf, Red is left to her own devices when the pigs run like the wind in the direction of home.Red gets away and the wolf heads to Grandma's and changes places with her. While the Red storyline plays out as expected, the practical pig, on hearing from his brothers that they left Red on her own, rushes to her aid.Instead of the woodsman, the pig is the hero here and there's a happy ending for everyone but the wolf. Some nice animation and gags in an average short.This short is available on the Disney Treasures Silly Symphonies DVD set. The set is worth having and this short is worth seeing.