The Big Snatch

4.9| 1h17m| en

Guy in a pickup truck kidnaps 5 women off the street, intending to make them his sex slaves.


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Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Michael_Elliott The Big Snatch (1971) ** 1/2 (out of 4) David Friendman produced this rather infamous sexploitation film about a psycho (Harry Chest) who kidnaps five women and takes them to his home out in the desert. Once there he turns them into his sex slave until one day when they get the upper hand and decide to return the torture.THE BIG SNATCH is a pretty wild and fun sexploitation picture that has a lot of beautiful women who are constantly naked. Plot wise there's really not too much here as there's never an attempt to make this a serious thriller. I mean, the actresses were clearly hired for their bodies and not their acting skills as there's not even an attempt to make them act any other way than sexy. There's no terror that they feel. They're never in any fear for their lives or emotional damage. None of that stuff. Instead they just dance around naked and bounce their boobs.What makes this film so memorable are the ladies and this includes Uschi Digard as one of them. All five women are quite easy on the eyes and they're asked to do various sexploitation things like slow showers, lesbian make out scenes and other moments where they just bounce around with the camera planted right on their breasts. I'd add that Chest is quite entertaining in his role as the bad guy.Again, there's nothing here that is mean to be taken serious and there's no question that this was made on a very low-budget. Friedman and company were wanting to make money, not make an Oscar-worthy film. If you're a fan of sexploitation then this here is certainly worth watching.
capkronos Young Rene (Ginnie Kindall) is kidnapped off a playground swing set. Right after flying into town, lesbian Lillian (Tracy Handfuss) is forced at gun point into the back of a truck. Housewife Colette ("Barbara Que" / Uschi Digard) is out watering the lawn in broad daylight when she gets swiped right off her front yard. Innocent 18-year-old virgin Bernice ("Rita Book" / Peggy Church) is snacking on Lays (foreshadowing?) chips when she's snatched off the street. And finally, leggy blonde party girl Pamela ("Nancy Nice" / Jane Tsentas) is abducted immediately after leaving a bar. All five girls don't know it yet but they've all fallen into the clutches of whiny long-haired perv Bart. Bart, who's played by the butt ugly "Harry Chest" and incidentally has no hair on his chest, drives them out miles into the desert to his remote home and then gives them the scoop on what's going on. They're to be his sex slaves and obey his every wish. They're to call him "master" while he calls them "pig." They'll eat... when and if he wants them to. They're to stick to a strenuous exercise routine to keep in good shape. If any of them try to escape they've been warned that the grounds are surrounded by trained, savage dogs who will eat them alive. And if they disobey or are caught doing something they aren't supposed to do, the other girls will have to whip the disobedient one.Bart is assisted by his bigger and perhaps even uglier mute sidekick Momo (played by Momo), who carries around a piece of hose to whip the girls with. Bart even bosses poor Momo around and refuses to let any of the girls have sex with him, causing the frustrated Momo to try to rape whatever girl he can get his hands on. Because he found Pamela at a nightclub and she's wearing a short skirt, Bart decides to "rape" her first but she goes along with it simply because she'll do anything to survive. The girls are then taken to a drained out swimming pool and are forced to do in-place jogging, push ups, leg lifts and topless toe touches. One girl is forced to get on all fours and is used as a step stool. While Bart is having his way with Colette, the lesbian takes the virgin out into the brush and helps her "relax" by rubbing her shoulders and then going down on her. When it's time for the virgin to give it up, she refuses so Bart has her tied to a running truck motor to "steam your clam open" so that he'll have "one well-basted bird."After being raped, beaten and tortured for nearly an hour, the girls finally decide they've had enough and plot their revenge. One of the girls seduces Momo, the others hold him down and then castrate him with a pair of vise grip pliers (!) They then manage to get the upper hand on Bart and decide to give him a taste of his own medicine by forcing him to go through everything they went through. He gets his dick squeezed with the pliers, is forced to dance and exercise naked and is then beat with the hose. for an encore the girls decide to "sock it to him night and day nonstop" (i.e. screw him) until he's dead. I've got to admit, I've never seen a man gang raped to death by five women before. Now I have. Thank you Big Snatch for enriching my life.There are trashy movies and then there are movies so trashy the sleaze goes right through the roof into the stratosphere. This is one of *those* movies. It looks extremely cheap (not surprising since the budget was just 11 thousand dollars), has awful acting and photography and much of the time the "rapes" seem a little too enjoyable for the "victim," but this is amusing enough to pass the time, most of the females look good and there's a mean-spirited twist at the end that's kind of good. Everyone was so embarrassed by this they used fake names and the credits are hilarious. The cameraman is "Otto Focus," the sound was done by "Less Noise" and the grip was "Jim Nasium." Something Weird distribute this on DVD-R and it's certainly worth a gander if you like this kind of stuff.
The_Void I don't usually go into these sorts of films with high expectations, but to my surprise The Big Snatch is actually quite good! The title is obviously meant to have a double meaning, but actually it relates to the part of the plot that involves a couple of men going round kidnapping girls, only to have them turned into 'sex slaves'. Naturally, considering that this is a seventies rough porn flick, the acting and production values aren't up to much; but all you can really expect from a film like this is plenty of sex and a few laughs and the film delivers that. The plot works with the film quite well; it offers numerous opportunities for a bit of action, and most of these are capitalised on. The film doesn't feature a great deal of surprises in the first half, we just watch as the girls are 'trained' by their captors, but there's a decent twist around the middle in which the tables are turned and the film becomes a bit more interesting, and also features a few nail biting moments. The sex is mostly just softcore, so the film might not please the fans of the harder stuff, but its all fairly decent.
Rapeman Here's a prime slice of 70's exploitation for ya folks: 2 scumbags kidnap 5 teenage sluts to keep as sex slaves, forcing them to submit to / perform acts of sexual humiliation. The head rapist - Bart, instructs his hostages that he will call them pigs and they in turn must call him master. They will do exactly as he tells them or else they will be punished severely. His accomplice, Momo is a big dumb deaf-mute who - although he does succeed in scoring a coupla rapes with the ladies - is not really the star here, this plan was hatched by Bart's twisted mind so he mainly gets to have all the fun. Sexploitation ''star'' Uschi Digart (Supervixens, Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS, A Climax of Blue Power & numerous other classics) is one of the 5 sex slaves, so she and her enormous breasts enjoy a lot of screen-time, also appearing are Jane Tsentas (Terror at Orgy Castle, The Adult Version of Jekyll & Hide, Sexophrenia) and Peggy Church (The Pigkeeper's Daughter, Hot Connections, A Touch of Sweden).The so-called rapes are really just overlong softcore sex scenes set to an upbeat jazz / funk score (how could the ladies NOT enjoy a good raping with such an excellent soundtrack?!). There is a memorable scene where one of the young girls is caught trying to escape, Bart proclaims ''I'm gonna steam that clam open!'' as she is tied down pantieless & spread-eagled onto the revving motor of a car, with the cars radiator cap removed, the flow of boiling steam inflicts red hot burns on her boiling pussy. After about 45 minutes of multiple sadistic ''rapes'' and other assorted acts of degradation, the 5 female captives manage to break free and strangle the oafish Momo to death. They then decide to turn the tables on lead sleazeball Bart – first they twist and crush his penis with a pair of pliers, then they throw him bound and naked onto a mattress and... GANG RAPE him for the remaining ½ hour of the film!? That'll teach him! Directed by 60's & 70's exploitation film maker, Byron Mabe (A Smell of Honey, a Swallow of Brine, The Acid Eaters, Space-Thing) The Big Snatch is basically your run-of-the-mill softcore sex flick from the 70's with a bit of rough stuff thrown in – the sex is not erotic and the acting is awful but it's still a damn fun piece of trash with enough graphic full-frontal nudity & overall sleaze to redeem it in the eyes of most trash cinema aficionado's. 8/10

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