The Worst Film Ever
In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Billy Ollie
Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Ben(Chen Kuan-Tai)wants wealth and brings home a brain devil in a box to be used in his black magic rituals.Along with a bottle of holy water he knows he can stop the devil if needed.When the bottle of holy water is destroyed all hell breaks loose!"Black Magic with Buddha" by Lo Lieh is a wild transgressive horror movie with some nasty grue and brain devil attacking people.The acting is stiff,but the plot is fast-paced and there are some wonderfully odd sequences of black magic battles.How can you go wrong with the film where Golden Buddha possesses the main character?If you liked "Seeding of a Ghost","The Imp","Corpse Mania" or "Red Spell Spells Red" you can't miss this insane spectacle of quirky weirdness.8 bad brains out of 10.
Lars Jacobsson
A pretty strange little flick here, a guy steals the grant-wishing brain of a mummy (!) but forgets to kill the brain with holy water after his wishes about wealth and power had been fulfilled. The brain starts haunting his house, eats the brains of the pets and drives his new wife to frigidity and religion... something has got to be done! The guy contacts a taoist white magician who shares body with a buddhist statue (!!) and they decide to drive the spirit out...We're hardly talking Shaw Brothers here. It's cheap and pretty shoddy film-making but it's not exactly boring. No sensations but I kinda liked it for what it was and the ending was goofy fun. Another fun thing: the same "scary video violence" music plays every time the brain makes an appearance or something even remotely scary happens and the result is almost parodic. File under "so strange its watchable".