The Blair Bitch Project

1999 "In October of 1799, three student filmmakers set out to make a documentary. Unfortunately, film was not yet invented. In 1999, 324 people set out to parody "The Blair Witch Project"... only one starred Linda Blair."
5| 0h20m| en

Three student filmmakers run into trouble in the woods as they set out to make a documentary about the Blair Witch. This is a short parody of "The Blair Witch Project".


Producted By

Monster Productions


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AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Bereamic Awesome Movie
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
sadie_thompson This is one of the funniest movies I've seen in ages. The only problem with it is the short running time--somewhere around twenty minutes.There's really no need to synopsize--this is a spoof of "The Blair Witch Project," and it stars Linda Blair. That's the first joke, as Linda demonstrates in the first few minutes. As Heather, the gal with the globe(s), she tells the camera that she and her crew plan to study the Blair Witch. She follows this statement with a sort of puzzled look, and then promptly shakes it off. Then, she heads outside to meet up with her cameraman, Josh, whom she later declares a "f**king stoner." Next comes Mike, the sound guy, and he's a bit too glum for Heather. She calls him the "Baron von Grumpmeister" and has the camera shoved into her face for her trouble.After all this nonsense, they finally reach Jerkittsville, where Heather tells us the gist of the legend. Here Linda Blair delivers an hilarious monologue about dead babies. Yes, this film mentions dead babies, and yes, it is funny. Eventually, they reach the woods, where Heather whips out her globe (rather than a map) and a running joke starts. When she doesn't have the camera, Mike and Josh film what they want rather than what they're supposed to. In this case, viewers are treated to an extreme close-up of Linda Blair's chest. Later it's her backside. Like in the movie being spoofed, Heather sees symbols of death everywhere--first a pine cone, which she freaks out over, and then an electric chair that she can't seem to get anyone's attention about. Later she sees a giant man-bat thing hanging in a tree, but she just doesn't mention it.I detail all this to show how wonderfully idiotic this movie is. I left out the really funny stuff, which just goes to show how much fun you'll have watching this movie. Big thanks to Linda Blair for making a fool of herself yet again ("Repossessed" was her first venture into the Hilariously Stupid), but no big thanks for making this movie difficult to get. Go to and see what happens. Try to get this movie, 'cause you'll love it! (If you don't, then something is WRONG with you.)
FORREST136 This short film is great! Linda Blair still lights up the screen! She gives an oscar performance in this gem! Linda and her co stars are fantastic! This should have gotten th Best Picture nod!!! The scenes are well down especially the tin man!