The Blue Elephant

2014 "El Feel El Azraq"
8| 2h31m| en

Dr. Yehia, a psychotherapist at Al Abbasia hospital, works in the department of the criminally insane. He finds that one of his patients is his old friend Sherif Al-Kordy. When he tries to help him, he gets himself in serious trouble.


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Al Shorouk for Media Productions


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Flyerplesys Perfectly adorable
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Ricardo Daly The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
jhanks-45230 I liked this movie a lot. The plot had lots of interesting twists and turns and kept me guessing. The pacing was good and I wasn't bored at any point. However, I thought the ending was a little too happy to be credible, especially the part about Sheriff's death sentence being commuted (granted I don't know anything about Egyptian law, so I don't really know what "believable" means in this context). Also, LOL at DMT in pill form (and the trip sequence didn't seem very DMT-like). But these are minor quibbles, I heartily recommend this to anyone who likes a good story.
Mohamed Refat Elgazar This movie maybe one of a kind in Egyptian theater, this movie contains so many goofs in directing (which i praise it because of Marawan Hamed's beautiful mind) and also goofs in the screenplay not like the novel's screenplay as you feel like they want to do a quick and short screenplay to release the movie in theaters and gain quick money too many things in the movie you won't understand it and if you ask anybody he'll tell you to read the movie and i'm like "if i am watching the movie why in the hell i need to read the damn novel". The soundtrack is the most likely thing in the movie, Hesham Nazih proved that he is a masterpiece in soundtrack, don't know but maybe he is an Egyptian version of Hans Zimmer. And last but not least the acting, Karim was decent in this movie Nelly wasn't that good after all and Khaled El-Sawy was awesome in this movie and i think EL-Sawy is the best actor in Egypt. One last thing not every movie that contains a twist ending is a good movie.
mohamed-baddar I have managed to get the novel and read it before watching the film. Not sure if that was the best thing to do, but the film was really close to the novel anyways except the ending and stripping down some unnecessary details to keep the movie length and possibly rating.The rest of the details is an exact copy of the novel except changing very minor things. I waited to see the credits and didn't get the name of the scenarist so I assume it's written by the novel author. The film is well directed, outstanding colors and decoration and above average visual effects (Some were done by a foreign team) however some scenes could have been better, and some other scenes could have been taken out altogether as they wouldn't have affected the story line that much. The story itself is a fiction story done by a very talented writer. However if you don't tolerate drug and alcohol reference that would be a turn off in the story. The movie is overall above average with a happy ending and good acting for most actors. All characters have depth except for Sameh (Yahia's colleagues at the hospital who hated him) but that was in the story as well. Also Maya's role could have been bigger.
ahmad_zayan first of all i am impressed by film quality story and every actor i was interested in every detail of the film till the last scene and for the first time i see that kind of films and i can say it will be a new line of stories it is not only ordinary schizophrenia story and also author medical background helped him well also directing was very amazing and full of suspense also actors especially Khaled El Sawy was very impressive but i think story is very rich so that film should have been divided into 2 parts i found some difficulty in understanding last film scenes also story ending was usual and was not good enough like all story line

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