The Book of Genesis

2016 "Eden is still in our blood."
4.2| 1h21m| PG| en

Based on the first book of the Bible, Genesis is a sweeping and poetic look at the beginning of man's relationship with God. While Jochebed (Venus Monique) hides in a shelter to protect her son from being murdered, she tells him the story of her people over the course of a dangerous night. This film explores the idea that mankind will one day return to the place where we started, but that the journey will be filled with hardship, beauty, and a desperate need to trust the Creator.


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Austin Ridge Bible Church


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Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Fulke Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
simonerunyan The trailer had me morbidly curious. "Genesis" wasn't horrible. I think the acting was really pretty good throughout. Jordan Jones did an utterly fantastic job as Joseph. Musical theatre nut that I am, I am all too familiar with "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat," and I was almost kind of tired of hearing the story of Joseph. But Jones was so good in this role that I actually found myself holding back a tear or two. The Adam and Eve story was "sort of" interesting, but I felt like so much more could have been done with it. We are talking about the first two people to ever exist. The writers could have let their imagination run riot with what that might have actually been like. Instead, everything seemed cliche. Adam smirking and then jumping into the pool of water was kind of thought provoking. Was it his first time seeing water? Not sure who taught him how to swim? Perhaps since it was before The Fall, he just magically knew how to do things like that? Eve was unquestionably beautiful but lacking in personality, I think. It was as if she was put in the movie for One Reason Only: To eat that fruit. The rest of her scenes were kind of glossed, I think. Also, who knew that kissing was a "thing" between the first two humans? I had always been taught that came later, when mothers chewed food and passed it to their infants mouth-to-mouth. A few more observations/questions:The costuming was horrible, right? Did they have buttons back then? And one of the characters (was it Cain?) looked like he was wearing a thermal undershirt. I'm certain no one wore pants back then either???? And seriously, what was up with some of the male characters being clean-shaven and sporting 21st Century haircuts? I don't think there was such a thing as white bread back then. (Correct me if I am wrong).I hated the narration throughout. I don't feel it offered anything to the movie at all. When Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac, you'd think Isaac would have put up a little fight. (A tiny one, at least????). Last, I was able to follow these stories primarily because I was already familiar with them. I think this movie would be confusing to someone who wasn't familiar with them.
infrasonik Thank you for a refreshing non religious perspective cliché driven hokey story. Instead i have witnessed a child like faith story. Sure the acting is not perfect and it doesn't have all the fleshly appealing CGI but it speaks on a spiritual level...Blessings... Hallelujah we have been restored to the Eternal Kingdom through Jesus Christ.I pray for a part II.