The Born Losers

1967 "An innocent girl is first prize in the dirtiest game ever played!"
5.9| 1h53m| PG| en

A ruthless motorcycle gang rides into a California town and terrorizes its denizens.


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Also starring Elizabeth James


Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
StunnaKrypto Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
BoomerDT So on the evening on 5/11/15 across America much of the country's senior population settled in after dinner at 8/7PM to TCM to enjoy a movie. Perhaps a frothy Esther Williams vehicle, or a Gene Kelly musical or maybe some 1940's film noir with Alan Ladd. I can only imagine the reactions when they discovered their favorite movie channel was showing 2 hours of mayhem, featuring brutal violence and gang rapes as a motorcycle gang, "The Born Losers" terrorize a California town in this 1967 classic of the biker flick genre. No complaints here, I know they've shown this very late at night before, not sure if they've ran it in prime time but one thing I love about TCM is the variety in showing films rarely seen elsewhere.AIP did a great job of gaging the pulse of the young film goers in the 50's through the early 70's. In the 50's they had rock n roll and juvenile delinquent movies, and in the early and middle 60's they had all the silly Frankie & Annette beach comedies. By 1967 they had ran their course and AIP went to edgier stuff, with biker and drug flicks, cheaply made stuff for drive-in's and a teenage audience. "Born Losers" is notable for the introduction of the Billy Jack character. The sequel, the pretentious and heavy handed "Billy Jack" received much more attention and was more successful and would spawn one more sequel, the truly dreadful "Trial of Billy Jack" which I must admit, I've never been able to sit through entirely. However, the most compelling character in BL isn't Tom Laughlin as Billy Jack, but screen veteran Jeremy Slate as Danny Carmody, the leader of the biker gang. Slate actually brings a touch of humor (like wearing goofy white sunglasses that look like they were ripped off an old lady) to an otherwise repulsive thug and in my book does a superior of more believable job of playing a biker gang boss than Brando did in "The Wild One." Also notable is the great Jane Russell, in a small part as a washed out alcoholic mom of a girl who fell in the bikers. Now in her mid-40's, time hadn't been too kind to the gal who was a sex goddess in the 40's and 50's with a spectacular figure. As with all AIP films, much of it is unintentionally hilarious and lousy. Fun to watch though and thinking about, maybe it's not a bad call for TCM to run it in prime time, considering the original target for this is now between 60 and 70.
jarrodmcdonald-1 I'm watching THE BORN LOSERS, the first Billy Jack movie. What a time capsule! Somewhat naive in its overall philosophy but relatively harmless...and certainly entertaining.Jane Russell's extended cameo is a bit embarrassing. She has an over-the-top scene where she has to hit some cops and push them out the front door of her trailer. Of course, in the real world she would have been arrested on the spot for doing that. I do like all the on-location filming that occurred along some of these southern California coastal communities. Supposedly the place where the biker gang hangs out (in Seal Beach) once belonged to Rudolph Valentino.
steve-974-698135 If you like Billy Jack, this is for you. Over 2 hours of a leading actress that can't act, a leading man who stands still without expression, and an inane group of men who are supposed to be dangerous because they are slightly bizarre. Sprinkle in ten minutes of Billy kicking big donkey, and you have the formula.Tom Laughlin knew a winner when he saw one and would use the main elements of this film in all of his future Billy Jack movies. In later films, his real-life wife would take over the role of the leading actress that can't act.This is a very low-budget movie. Future Billy Jack against the world movies had a couple more bucks. But true to form, as in all Billy Jack movies, there is no competent acting anywhere.Personally, none of this stuff turns me off of Billy Jack movies. In one movie, I see it for the gas station scene. In another, I want to see Billy put his right foot up against the guy's left ear. In a third, I want to see him shoot it out.For an anti-war pinko, Laughlin sure knows how to create some nice fight scenes. If the man would have moved a few more times per pic, he would have been a major star. But his style is to stand around for most of the movie with a deadpan expression, and then finally kick some butt.The Billy Jack movies are a lot like chitlins, limburger cheese, or kim chee. If you like that stuff, you don't mind the smell.This one stinks to high heaven.But it's a Billy Jack stink.
hhorne I caught this film the other (late) night on cable. As a youth I really enjoyed the karate action Billy Jack movies but I had never seen this one. The reason I had never seen it is that is was so bad, it didn't deserve the airtime back in the 70's. It's just a bad film all the way around. The editing is just horrible, Tom Laughlin is OK as Billy Jack but everyone else is horrible. It is almost a comedy it is so bad. Reminds me a bit of the Beach Blanket Bingo movies with the stereotyped, one dimensional biker characters. Jane Russel has a small part and even though she is way over-the top, it was enjoyable to watch her. Some of the dialogue seems written by a 10 year old - especially the scenes between the law enforcement officials. On top of that, I was disappointed in the action scenes. Very little Billy Jake fight scenes compared with the later Billy Jake movies.